Opium p9-max5.wlg.ihug.co.nz[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
Re: Mince on Thursday 20th of May 1:55 PM, 1999
due to the apparent populat demand on mince and mince based products (such as canned mince, and wrapped mince (*1)) there has became a need also for new mince advertising strategies. The following is a Satchi and Satchi endorsed (*2) list of the ten best ways to sell mince:
10: "buy it! it's red!"
9: "buy it! It's dead!"
8: "straight from the cow, right to your liver!"
7: "dont think of it as mince, think of it as an investment in your future
6: "it sure beats shorts"
5: "it's full of vitamin M"
4: "what you dont know about it, wont hurt you!"
3: "think of it as thousands of Cocktail Steaks"
2: "you can stick it to your but!"
And the number one way to sell mince:
1: "we thaught that good healthy meat was so good, it deserved to be chopped up in to millions of pieces!"
* These products may or may not contain mince
*2 Or to put it another way, it ISNT endorsed by satchi and satchi
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Matt Re: Mince on Thursday 20th of May 1:55 PM, 1999