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maharG Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1
If thou invoke the persons.. on Friday 26th of June 10:48 AM, 2015 (

... then they shall respond.

My god, I haven't posted here since 2007. I'm old now.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.124 Safari/537.36
Definitely HUMAN on Friday 19th of June 1:51 PM, 2015 (

Whirr, click, click, click, clank, err I mean hello fellow persons.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

ttttt Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.66 Safari/537.36
Your ntp server could be overloaded on Monday 21st of October 12:12 PM, 2013 (


You ntp server is in the list.

But it's overloaded, sometimes I get the message " rate limit response from server."


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Matt [2001:44b8:62:80:bc11:5299:9045:91a4] Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.1b2) Gecko/20081201 Firefox/3.1b2
Hello on Wednesday 25th of February 5:18 PM, 2009

Anybody still alive?

Post Reply ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008061017 Firefox/3.0
First IPv6 post? on Wednesday 9th of July 7:26 PM, 2008 (

New web server, new internet protocol, new co-location room, same old crap =)

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-GB; rv: Gecko/20060425 SUSE/ Firefox/
Coz I can on Thursday 22nd of February 1:47 PM, 2007 (

I seriously doubt that ANYONE ever comes here any more. but on the off-chance that there is a visitation from someone other than myself...


I hast spoken.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

sw Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
3l33t on Wednesday 1st of December 12:44 AM, 2004 (

f1rz7 p0s7 1n 0v3r 4 y34r !@#$@!#!!@#

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

sw Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
we sure did leave a mess around here ernie on Tuesday 25th of March 8:57 PM, 2003

does anyone still exist?

Post Reply | Whois ]

Catch22 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021212
π on Wednesday 22nd of January 10:09 PM, 2003 (

The word `osoal' exists at index 1028893300 in π, It appears alot sooner than the word `god.' Amen.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

The Woodster[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
fun things on Friday 10th of January 12:00 AM, 2003 (

Can I draw your attention to: - I know it suits your sense of humour


[ Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Tuesday 24th of December 8:16 PM, 2002

Christmas.... the time for beer, car accidents and homicidal axe-wielding neighbours dressed in $2 shop Santa suits.

"Deck the halls with streams of blood, fa la la la laaah, la laa la laaah"

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Clueless Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.0.0; Linux)
what i was actually hoping to find... on Saturday 21st of December 8:53 PM, 2002

what i was actually hoping to find, was a site to download SuSE8 updates in NZ

anyone got any clues?

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Clueless Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.0.0; Linux)
ha.. whats this then??? on Saturday 21st of December 8:28 PM, 2002 (

OK i stumbled accross this from and it seems to be a bit of a work in progress...

so whats the story?
is this intended for the geek masses?

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

kismet Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2b) Gecko/20021029 Phoenix/0.4
no subject on Friday 1st of November 1:34 PM, 2002


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maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
no subject on Friday 9th of August 11:16 AM, 2002

is there going to be a partay at the House 'o Fun?? That would be cool. Give us the perfect excuse to play lots of HACK, drink lots of BEER, hopefully watch some funny CARTOONS.


and thats how it is.

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kismet Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020408
no subject on Wednesday 7th of August 12:28 PM, 2002 (
david at osoal org nz)

um, ok so aparently we're having a party on the 11th of august at the roxburgh house of fun, so if yall turn up I will try not to hit you with a hammer.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

kismet Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020408
no subject on Wednesday 7th of August 12:14 PM, 2002 (
david at osoal org nz)

where can i get a cafe latte with
a sliver of fresh ginger, cinnamon and star anise

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Wednesday 24th of July 2:22 PM, 2002

theres a post on slashdot about someone making a cookbook for liunx users... i thought you guys might want to send in the recipe for Gruel(tm).... it might be kinda funny if other people kill their insides with it too... *grin*

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TheArtistFormerlyKnownAs......[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
maharG! on Saturday 13th of July 6:15 PM, 2002

I know someone whos looking for you.... run away! run away!

Post Reply ]

kismet Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020310
no subject on Friday 28th of June 12:02 PM, 2002 (
david at osoal org nz)


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The mini-golfer formerly known[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
no subject on Monday 10th of June 11:20 PM, 2002 (

thats right you god damned estro-pup!


[ Post Reply ]

Evil-1 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
Estro on Tuesday 4th of June 6:50 PM, 2002

God Damn it! The Estro-pup has returned. Soon it will be your turn little duck!

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Catch22 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0rc2) Gecko/20020510
CA on Tuesday 4th of June 10:32 AM, 2002 (

Hey kids accept my CA certificate

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

kismet Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020310
no subject on Friday 17th of May 11:25 AM, 2002 (
david at osoal org nz)


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Sunday 14th of April 9:06 PM, 2002


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Da Chris[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
sam is the man of cryptic i am on Thursday 11th of April 11:23 AM, 2002 (

who let the duck out?
s'uup to da cheese

greetz to the colonel
hail the eggs

scull mother olaf
yo estro-pup

[ Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020204
no subject on Sunday 31st of March 12:53 AM, 2002

Fruit Fucker 2000....

dont move, I'm almost done...

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Buttons[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
no subject on Thursday 28th of March 11:37 PM, 2002

Yay! Citylink!

Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
Revised birthday stuff... on Thursday 21st of March 7:36 PM, 2002

Due to popular request, drinikes for my birthday will now be held on Saturday nite, same time, same channel. The more the better, but if there is less, more beer for me!!

Such things are allowed on ones birthday.

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maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
Birthday Drinkies. on Wednesday 20th of March 9:05 PM, 2002

My birthday is tomorrow. And to mark this less-than-auspicious occasion, there will hopefully be drinks and tunez at Heath & dAvE's place this coming Friday night (22nd). All those who are even only slightly interested in coming, please follow your base instinct, and arrived at aforemontioned abode sometime in the evening. I'm not actually sure what time yet, but around the 'acceptible' time will be tolerated.

This IS necessary.

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McYeast[] Mozilla/4.76 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.2-2 i686)
whoa nelly on Tuesday 19th of March 11:03 AM, 2002 (

Anyone remeber who Mc yeast is. I was told that I must comment on this page or be killed by Kismet.

So now I hope I wont be killed.

And who did let the Ducks out?

[ Post Reply ]

Da Chris[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
duck on Wednesday 13th of March 2:31 PM, 2002 (

who let the duck out?

oow, oow, oow, oow-oow

who let the duck out?

oow, oow, oow, oow-oow

[ Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Saturday 9th of March 12:17 PM, 2002

check out the StarWars guitar stuff on tiz cool.

on a wee side note... Mystery Men was going off. Very very cool

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maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Thursday 7th of March 11:24 PM, 2002

The time is near...

The hour is upon us...

Soon the good and eeevil of this world will come together....

And drink.

Bring forth the rave!!!
Bring forth the ale!!!

It has begun......

Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Wednesday 6th of March 10:21 PM, 2002

Help fight the ego....
The hero's and villian's are gathering...
Who will prevail?
Who will be vanquished?

Time moves towards the reckoning.

Are you prepared?

Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Tuesday 5th of March 9:49 PM, 2002






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maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
Believers of unhappiness BEWARE!! on Monday 4th of March 7:10 PM, 2002

Seeking eeevil doers and miscreants, he dispenses justice and peace, and some awful one liners along the way.
Who is he, you ask? And why does he come?

Friday, my friends....

Post Reply | Whois ]

sw Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
heh on Monday 4th of March 2:53 PM, 2002

i find it really fucked up that XP Pro is being touted as the next big upgrade that we should pay a couple of hundred bucks for....but its only a .1 release.

fuck you microsoft.

Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
are you sure you're safe.....? on Sunday 3rd of March 6:00 PM, 2002

From the ashes of the toothdecay... comes a new breed of hero. Born into the hardships of life in the tent cities, he seeks to protect those who are needy, and eat more lunch. Fearlessly, he wanders the land, making sure its the putting right that counts... as long as he dosent have to count himself.

Who is this stranger, and what is his purpose??

The answers you seek will all be revealed on Friday.....

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Buttons[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Yay! on Saturday 2nd of March 11:43 PM, 2002

Incubus concert in March!! Yay!

Tool Concert in April!! Yay! and they're even coming to Wellington this time!

Post Reply ]

Saty[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0b; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.0.2914)
Missile Shortage on Thursday 28th of February 4:14 AM, 2002 (

Now that the war on terrorism has been as swift and comprehensive as the war on drugs, we're forced to go to holland to indulge our desires. I can reccomend Hakeem's Hash and Harriets in Groenigan and Abdul Sharif's bongs n bombs of Amsterdam.

[ Post Reply ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
no subject on Sunday 24th of February 2:03 PM, 2002

Yay Cuba Street!!

I love this city
*Big hug*

Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Sunday 17th of February 4:03 PM, 2002

Remember... Only Users Lose Drugs

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maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Monday 4th of February 11:46 PM, 2002


I hate moving boxes.
I find it wholly dissatisfying.

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maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Wednesday 30th of January 1:44 PM, 2002

This is YOUR Cemetary.

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maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; Q312461)
no subject on Monday 21st of January 4:19 PM, 2002

BDO was kewl.

the end.

Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; Q312461)
things that go *ping* on Sunday 30th of December 3:09 PM, 2001

Far away, in the land of Syd,
there lives a pinecone called Mid.

Mid is fair, Mid is free,
and completly at home in his tree.

There then came a nasty BugBear,
malicious and without a care.

He came to the tree,
and demanded his fee.

Mid was frightful and awfully sad,
he really did think this BugBear was bad.

"No!", said Mid, with his bark on his hips,
but the Bugbear was firm, and put out the hits.

With a crash and a smash, poor Mid was broken,
and many a word of hurt from BugBear was spoken.

With teeth gnashing, and claws glinting, the BugBear was full of fun,
and poor Mid was nearly done.

But then, from the trees came an inflatable Moose,
running like a train gone loose.

The BugBear was bewildered and confused,
who was this Moose, and was he to be abused.

Moose slapped BugBear in the face with a Stuffed Fish (tm),
and little tiny Mid got his wish.

Glory to all pinecones like Mid,
who live in the fair land of Syd.

Post Reply | Whois ]

kismet Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.6) Gecko/20011120
no subject on Friday 21st of December 6:21 PM, 2001 (

i have an abundance of mince

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
meher baba speaks! on Saturday 15th of December 9:54 PM, 2001 (

Do you ever feel like the only intelligent conversation you have all day is with the bottom of a bottle at 3am?
Do you ever get in the mood for pain?
Do you ever start fights you know you'll lose just to gratify your sub concious masochism and self hatred?
Do you ever stand up and wish everything would fade to a point where it was so unrecognisable and incomprehensable that your current fears, unhappinesses and insecurities would no longer be applicable?
Yeah well.
I code procedurally for jesus.

[ Post Reply ]

kismet Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.6) Gecko/20011120
no subject on Thursday 6th of December 9:17 PM, 2001 (

you better get ready wellingtown
im coming for YOU!

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Tuesday 4th of December 11:13 PM, 2001

One of Lifes little Ditties...

"Be nice to your chickens, or suffer a painfull, long-drawn out death from blocked
pores... to be administered by Mr. Bear"

Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Monday 3rd of December 11:09 PM, 2001 (

Man must sit in chair
with mouth open for
very long time
before roast duck fly in.

- Chinese proverb

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

mobtek Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/2.2.1; en)
re: smoos on Friday 30th of November 12:32 PM, 2001 (

Which cartoon show had smoo's in it? It was something up there with Meatballs and Spahgetti, its taking over my mind!

narf mobtek

ps: masterfoods chilli beans in a can are evil

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
no subject on Wednesday 21st of November 10:09 PM, 2001


Post Reply ]

kismet Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.6) Gecko/20011120
drink of the day on Wednesday 21st of November 9:35 PM, 2001

"This is what I have left in the fridge"

1 count vodka
some drops of this sour lemon shit i have (you could try lime if you live on THE EDGE, or if you grew up on THE EDGE!, or at least if your family went there regularly for vacation)


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hmmm..Iforget [] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Statistics New Zea
hello on Wednesday 21st of November 5:45 PM, 2001 (

Cartoons good

[ Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
death and taxes on Thursday 15th of November 11:09 PM, 2001 (

what if i refuse. eh? EH??? bloddy hell, you all think i'm some kind of alcoholic sponge?? fek. a curse on all your carrots!!!!!

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Evil-1 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
Absinthe and Canadians on Tuesday 13th of November 7:09 PM, 2001 (

This friday 16th.
Party at 39 Roxburgh St.
Bring something to Kill a Canadian
(preferably Alcoholic)

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

kismet Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.2) Gecko/20010628
party on Saturday 10th of November 5:53 PM, 2001

at the flat sat 10th at like night time or
something bring beer drink beer die
we have couches

Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
fek on Wednesday 31st of October 8:36 PM, 2001 (

i too must applaud the cartooning... if only i could find my hands...

i know i left them here... somewhere....

"boris, did u steal my hands again??"

fucken wench...

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

sw (compatible; MSIE 7.5; Windows NT 6.0)
back to the future on Friday 26th of October 1:34 PM, 2001

i seem to have been transported some years into the future, but it looks like windows 2010 is still using the NT4 codebase.

Post Reply | Whois ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
no subject on Thursday 25th of October 12:07 PM, 2001

And on a completely unrelated note...

Mighty fine cartoon action happening lately... You are to be applauded.

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide on Wednesday 24th of October 3:43 PM, 2001 (

The following is fiction. And by that, I mean fact. This is what happened when I took DXM on the weekend in canberra. Executive summary - Dont do it!

I drank 2 bottles of robo DX, approx 1.2 grams of DXM. Then, walked into belconnen mall. For some reason, people irritated me if they didnt hail my presence as they past, so I started cursing them. I had this ability to cast spells and was throwing blesses, curses, fireballs and other D&D style shit all over the mall. Then we went to the lake and I lay on the grass tripping, talking about the "pillar of caddis" and "hacker voltron" which was comprised of 2 longnecks, rather than lions. One longneck was memory segment, the other was format string. At this point we came across a group of scouts and something possessed me to ask the scout master if he'd like me to suck his dick. I dont think he replied. about this point I lost the ability to speak, and simply flailed around screaming and grunting incoherrently. DXM gives you extreme disassociation and I had little idea who I was, what I was doing, and how causality worked. A jogger went past and I got down on my knees and worshipped him as he ran off. About 4 hours later I snapped out of it. DXM is messy.

[ Post Reply ]

sw Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; DVD Owner)
rabbit ears? on Thursday 18th of October 2:20 AM, 2001

this is terrifying. ugh.

Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
general notice on Wednesday 17th of October 5:58 PM, 2001 (


this is a general notice to whoever really cares...
i get back to NZ on the 13th november, and there is going to be one hell of a big party on friday 16th november, at a place in wellington. (i have no idea where, but when i find out, i'll let u all know).
everyone is invited... bring beer, tunez... and beer.


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

sw Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; DVD Owner)
jorm: the livejournal on Tuesday 16th of October 2:06 AM, 2001

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kismet Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.2) Gecko/20010628
no subject on Monday 15th of October 8:30 PM, 2001

first post

Post Reply | Whois ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Drinking Antix on Friday 28th of September 3:24 PM, 2001 (

I got extremely drunk last night. Those of you in .au will have seen me drunk and im a bit of a big drinker. Well, last night I am not sure how many beers I had but I spent $155 on beer. And I think the beers were $4.40.
> bc -l<BR>
bc 1.06<BR>
That's alot of beer. Well, what happened was, I started to smash beer glasses around. This escalated and soon my whole group of friends were smashing everything from jugs to ashtrays in sight. Then one of my friends decided to cut himself with some broken glass on purpose. He bled alot and started writing on the walls with his blood. So after that we tottled off to go and pick some fights. Im not sure if we got in any, memory goes blank for about 5 hours. Then I wake up at 9am this morning literally in a puddle of my own urine and vomit on the toilet floor. I think im still drunk right now.
The moral of this story is simple:
Everyone is really fucked in the head.

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Drinking Antix on Friday 28th of September 3:23 PM, 2001 (

I got extremely drunk last night. Those of you in .au will have seen me drunk and im a bit of a big drinker. Well, last night I am not sure how many beers I had but I spent $155 on beer. And I think the beers were $4.40.
> bc -l<BR>
bc 1.06<BR>
That's alot of beer. Well, what happened was, I started to smash beer glasses around. This escalated and soon my whole group of friends were smashing everything from jugs to ashtrays in sight. Then one of my friends decided to cut himself with some broken glass on purpose. He bled alot and started writing on the walls with his blood. So after that we tottled off to go and pick some fights. Im not sure if we got in any, memory goes blank for about 5 hours. Then I wake up at 9am this morning literally in a puddle of my own urine and vomit on the toilet floor. I think im still drunk right now.
The moral of this story is simple:
Everyone is really fucked in the head.

[ Post Reply ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
no subject on Thursday 27th of September 9:01 AM, 2001

Hey There...

You guys have probably seen all these before, but for the benefit of those who haven't:

Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.78 [en] (Win95; U)
and the saga continues... on Sunday 23rd of September 5:38 PM, 2001 (

The Adventures of BOO and Moo: Episode II

The Scene: a really crummy LaundroMAT with complimentary hookers and drug dispensing machine (the good kind). Boo is washing his spare sets of fur, and Moo is drooling over a hooker thats teasing him by sucking on the nose of a stuffed cmael. Boo is whistling a wee ditty about the social impoverisment of stuffed rodents.

Enter FatGuy with plastic road-cone stuck to the side of his head: "The end is nigh!! Repent! Repent!!"
Boo: "Frag off!!"
Hooker: *sucky sucky*
Moo: *drool*
ConeHed: "Your life is DEAD! Die like the capitalist pig you are!!"
Boo: "For the last fucking time, I AM NOT A PIG!"
Hooker: *sucky sucky sucky*
Moo: *drrrooOOOOoooollll*
ConeHed: All your life you've worked to pay for fascists and eeeevil doers though taxes and sweat! Rise up and KIll them with your CHAINS!!!"
Boo: "Look butt-munch, RACK OFF!!"
Hooker: *SUCKY SUCKY inhale*

A pause.

Moo: "?"
ConeHed: "Repent?"
Boo: "I'll give u repent, poo-pusher!!"
Hooker: *CHOKE*
Moo: "!"
ConeHed: "Eeevil!! There is eeevil here!"
Boo: "Just shut up and DIE!"
Hooker explodes.

Another pause.

Boo: "Bugga"
Moo: "@#!"
ConeHed: "It is the tool of the DEVIL!!"
Enter 3 legged, 4 eyed dog.. "Hoof 'o Death, hoof 'o Death"
With a steely glint in the eye, Moo leaped gracefully over Boo (in a Jersey kind of way) and with a fluid stike with the Hoof 'o Death, split ConeHed from neck to pelvis. And with an airy toss of the head, promptly shat on the corpse.
Boo: "Good god! That smells!!"
Moo: "I art thine shepard, and thou hast been guided."


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.78 [en] (Win95; U)
a bed-tyme storie on Thursday 13th of September 5:39 PM, 2001 (


The Scene: a warm day, nice trees, the smell of happiness... and the odour of fresh puke on the ground....
Boo: "i love the smell of fresh puke in the morning!!!"
Moo: "."
Boo: "ya know moo, u smell like puke. what, you roll in it or somethin??"
Moo: "."
Boo: "i know!!! you shat it out your ass!!! you have puke for shit!!! HA!"
Moo: "!"
Boo: "now, dont get me wrong, your a nice cow 'n all, but did u have to puke right on my door step??? EH??? YOU FUCKEN INCONSIDERATE PLEBIAN BOVINE MASS OF PUKE-SHIT!!!!!"

In the blink of a flys eye (?), Moo inviscerated Boo with a single swipe of him world-famous 'hoof 'o death'. then, with a mighty ass-release, Moo shat on Boo. it was truly traumatic.
Boo: "mmm mmm MMMM, *choke* guuurrrgle *choke*"
Moo: "dont have a brown, Mister Cow."


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Asama Bin Laden [] Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.3 i586)
TASTE DEATH on Wednesday 12th of September 12:25 PM, 2001

I find the whole terrorist thing amusing, I wish there was more violence like this in the world :( It would brighten my day.

Uncle Asama

Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.08 [en] (Win95; I)
the adventures of 'Boo and Moo' on Saturday 1st of September 5:05 PM, 2001 (

resist psychic death...

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

sw Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0; DVD Owner)
Apparently I am a DVD owner... on Monday 27th of August 4:35 PM, 2001

What makes me a DVD owner and noone else? I don't even have a DVD drive..

Post Reply | Whois ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.3 i586)
The Stupid on Monday 27th of August 11:16 AM, 2001 (

This is SO dodgy!

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.3 i586)
Perisher Spew on Monday 20th of August 12:03 PM, 2001 (

I went skiing at perisher blue on the weekend. For those who dont know, im both a skilled skier and prominent member of AA (Alcoholics Aspiring). This resulted in me drinking 15 beers in the morning with some random norweigans I met, then attempting to ski a double black diamond (really fucken steep) run. I am now the proud owner of a sprained ankle, torn knee ligament and shattered reputation, after the next night I got kicked out of mario's pizza restaurant for ordering a "Fettucine with fucking pasta sauce you fat bitch".

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
RHYMEZ^3 on Tuesday 24th of July 12:25 AM, 2001 (

Behind a 15 inch monitor
dissing my new songs
wanna battle me? with your keystyles and message boards
how about you turn those skills into audio verse
cause 16 heads and one oh two cylinders word
all these niggers in cyberspace
too scared to come out; sunspot'll rip off their fucken face!!!

Mass MC rocks your world.

Im drunk.

[ Post Reply ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
Hello World on Thursday 12th of July 11:15 PM, 2001

The world is turning on it's end!!

I can write a perl script!

Post Reply ]

ZenSandwich Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.4.3 i686; en-US; 0.8.1) Gecko/200104
Government Departments... on Wednesday 4th of July 9:46 AM, 2001

It's not just the NZ government that's clueless about the internet (in fact we're possibly one of the better ones...0 I just got an amusing email from some small department somewhere in the US complaining that someone from Waikato University pinged their firewall machine and attaching a page-long list of questions insisting we tell them who we are, what we do (looking up was too much effort for them, or maybe they hadn't upgraded their computers to Mosaic yet?) and a whole lot of other detailed information on our 'business' before we'd be allowed to ping them again.

yAY! :P


Post Reply | Whois ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
... on Thursday 21st of June 11:26 AM, 2001

Things are getting kinda slow around here.

I check this page every day, hoping for another pearl of wisdom, or something to ponder until tomorrow, But alas, there has been no change.

I might actually have to get a life or something if this keeps up!

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Lyrics on Monday 11th of June 4:38 AM, 2001 (

There once was a chick from #teen
who would whine to the ops of her spleen
she claimed marital strife
and fear to go under the knife
so the op was performed by mr. bean.

There once was a super patrol squid
who had far better diction than a kid
by some script kiddies he was dissed
on his reputation they pissed
and ./killed his parent PID

Im drunk.

[ Post Reply ]

MoF0 [] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
blah blah on Monday 11th of June 3:53 AM, 2001 (

i want a super squid patrol t-shirt i hear he makes
exceptional party dips.

does he like strip and do wang tricks?

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0 i586)
boom on Thursday 7th of June 12:51 PM, 2001 (

There once was a man from the hood
who was reputed for pulling his pud
one day having a tug
he got hit by a jug
and that was the end of his 'wood'.


[ Post Reply ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
The maelstrom that is life on Sunday 3rd of June 9:59 AM, 2001

It is always a wonder to me how the human race survives with so much hurt and unhappiness in the world.

And then you have the odd person who comes along to actually inflict that hurt and unhappiness in such as cold, calculated and callous way, that really it just turns your stomach.

Post Reply ]

kismet Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16 i686; Nav)
QuakeMUD on Tuesday 22nd of May 8:14 PM, 2001 (

QuakeMUD, a stupid little quake themed mud I wrote,
has been running on gnu for almost 1 year. I invite you all to give it a good thrash. You have 8 days.

telnet to

How it works.
Move around just like a regular mud.
Pick up quake style items.
If there are other players in the room you are in,
you will automatically attack those players.
Some weapons can hurt more than one player at a time.

I will post the source soon, after I've packaged it nicely.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Zen Sandwich[] Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.4.3 i686; en-US; 0.8.1) Gecko/200104
Happy Aniversary gnu! on Friday 18th of May 4:09 PM, 2001 (

Actually, the uptime counter overflowed nearly 2 days ago:

[16:04] gnu:[~] % uptime
4:04pm up 1 day, 21:37, 5 users, load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.01

So this is a belated happy aniversary. ;)


[ Post Reply ]

Zen Sandwich[] Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.4.3 i686; en-US; 0.8.1) Gecko/200104
Happy Aniversary gnu! on Friday 18th of May 4:08 PM, 2001 (

Actually, the uptime counter overflowed nearly 2 days ago:

[16:04] gnu:[~] % uptime
4:04pm up 1 day, 21:37, 5 users, load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.01

So this is a belated happy aniversary. ;)


[ Post Reply ]

maharG-in-Japan [] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98)
yay for me on Monday 14th of May 8:53 PM, 2001 (

heloo!!! japan is hot, and sticky. and the ppl here are not terribly nice. oh well. flight was ok, food ok. have 3 more waiting hours to go, then 9 more flying hours to go, then Vancouver. i`m getting pretty tired. yay for me.
hav2 go, running out of my 30mins.

talk to u all soon.


[ Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
going away stuff on Thursday 10th of May 11:27 PM, 2001 (

so long and thanks for all the fish.
i'll try to come and visit the flat on saturday sometime, when u guys are alive.
and to anyone that i missed in saying goodbye to, goodbye.
i'll see ya'all in 6 months.... i get back on the 13th November, so there will be a coming home party sometime around then, if ppl are willing to partake in such an event.



[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
GOING AWAY PARTY(S) on Sunday 29th of April 8:46 PM, 2001 (

this is a BIG message to anyone who wants to know.. there will be a going away party at Chris Waights house this Friday nite (5th May), and some drinks in town 'somewhere' for those who cant make it on Friday nite. anyone who wants to come along, please e-mail me, or post here, whatevers good for u. and for those who dont alredy know, the reason for this party is coz i'm going to canada on the 14th May. i'll be there for 6 months, so there has to be some serious drinking done before i go.
anyways, stuff. i hope ppl can come along. oh and, tell everyone u know... the more the merrier!


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Shakesbeare[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
yay me on Friday 27th of April 12:08 PM, 2001

yay me, traitorous me, semi Australian me. Aussies are weird. They have these bizarre ads for Sprite here. They also have me, yay me.

Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
fallen angels on Wednesday 25th of April 6:49 PM, 2001 (

today, i helped to film on camera, a fallen angel at the taita cemetary. it was quite fun, despite the cold. and if anyone is wondering why i'm telling u all this, it's because i can.


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 95)
no subject on Tuesday 10th of April 10:49 PM, 2001

Lincoln! You didn't say anything about the email Tim sent you...

any comments?

Post Reply ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 95)
no subject on Tuesday 10th of April 10:49 PM, 2001

Lincoln! You didn't say anything about the email Tim sent you...

any comments?

Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
smith family fridge-magnet fun on Sunday 8th of April 9:17 PM, 2001 (

No such thing as the toilet.
Do you think your finger likes it up your nose?
I'll wipe off your face.
Feed the cat to starving children from india.
The dishes dont desvere soap.
Just where are you going spanking your brother?
Go to church, but come home smoking.
Milk because your father hurts.
Eat the dog.
Your room is closed.
I love nice drink.
I am ready to give your naughty underware away to the baby-sitter.
Take off your shoes while doing me in the kitchen.
Sleep behind mister crazy-mind.
Get full of giving.
Play with your vegetables, and have your maid wash your toys.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Matt_R Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
moo on Sunday 8th of April 6:44 PM, 2001 (

I finally quit my job. Yay.

I'm leaving, and taking one of their biggest customers with me (hey, I'm an IT Manager now!) and the boss has never been this nice to me. mmm 80 workstations.. where did I put the dnet client...

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
more urban bovine myths... (and moths) on Tuesday 3rd of April 4:55 PM, 2001 (

cow. mooing. serenity. peace. grass. chewing. yummy. a shape.... in the sky. curiosity. plane noises. confusion. small egg shapes.... in the sky. more confusion. egg shapes falling. panic. mooing. running. (clenching). screaming. (more clenching). 'exploding!' nosies. oozing. the smell of fresh napalm in the morning. (and some more clenching.... "Hey boy...")

yay for the cows.


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Lynx/2.8.2rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14
Interior decorating on Tuesday 3rd of April 1:07 AM, 2001 (

There isnt much else I can say... http://www.lilek

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 95)
no subject on Monday 2nd of April 11:47 PM, 2001


There's definitely some updating to be done around here :P

Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
urban bovine storys on Thursday 29th of March 5:34 PM, 2001

cow. moo. shotgun. running. mooing. noises. lights. green men. panic. mooing. 'zzaAp!' noise. frying. x-files music.

yay for the cows.


Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Almost worth getting census form for..... on Monday 5th of March 10:39 PM, 2001 (


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

ZenSandwich Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.18 i686)
All your base are belong to us! on Tuesday 20th of February 10:48 PM, 2001

(if you need it, download Shockwave to see the video, it's worth it! :)

You have no chance to survive make your time!


Post Reply | Whois ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Win95; U)
no subject on Monday 19th of February 5:19 PM, 2001

Enough with the Dis-embodied Clown heads already!

Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
yay on Saturday 3rd of February 11:12 PM, 2001 (

horrayyy!! i finnally have my pc bak, now i can continue my plan to take over the entire world!!!!
blah blah blah goes everybody

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Win95; U)
no subject on Thursday 25th of January 5:30 PM, 2001

Why is the internet so broken?

Post Reply ]

Satyricon [] Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11; I; SCO_SV 3.2 i386)
! on Thursday 18th of January 2:30 PM, 2001

SCO Browser versions in full effect.

Post Reply ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
how many 9's? on Tuesday 9th of January 9:20 PM, 2001 (

In spite of the best efforts of the local power company, this web server narrowly just avoided a reboot.

[ db@gnu ] [ Tue Jan 9 09:13:57pm ] [ /dev/pts/16 ]
[ ~ ]$ uptime
9:19pm up 370 days, 4:16, 13 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Win95; U)
Cartoons! on Tuesday 9th of January 9:10 AM, 2001

I think I've figured out the cartoons!

The guy with the funky hair and the squiggle on his shirt that points to the floor is David, The guy with the beer in his hand is Gareth...

And I think Lincoln must be that Cactus dude.

But I don't know who the other people are...

Am I close?!

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
! on Sunday 7th of January 5:40 AM, 2001 (

Rhiannon has hairy nipples.

[ Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
lack of counter strike...( on Saturday 30th of December 6:01 PM, 2000 (

the disticnt lack of killing on this server is disturbing... i find this ovwewhelming emptiyness to be manifest as a hole in the very fabric of my existance, and as such, i have this feeling of being in-complete. hence forth, i find this to be an insult to my humanity and wellbeing....

and enuff of this crap and horseshit, blah, i need a beer.. all of that bittching has made me thirsty. drink lots and be un-merry... bah humbug and all that..

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
CS 1.0 Server on Wednesday 27th of December 10:10 AM, 2000 (

There will be a counter strike server on on the default port for the next day or so.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
more blah on Monday 25th of December 12:18 AM, 2000 (

yay for xmas, hope everyone gets drunk...

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
stuff on Saturday 23rd of December 12:16 AM, 2000 (

yes, once again the tyme has come to perform the yearly ritual that is christmas... the agi\ony of waiting in lines... the indecision when bying someone a present... and all of that hooplah. i have found that the best way to deral with this is as follows.... 'blah blah blah.."

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Sieben[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
Blah on Saturday 16th of December 4:07 AM, 2000 (

Its been a Long time since I've been here

yes it has

[ Post Reply ]

Catch22 Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17 i686)
Love on Thursday 14th of December 5:45 PM, 2000 (

Flash, I love you! but we only have 14 hours to recompile the kernel on this 4mb 386

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

kismet Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16 i686; Nav)
poll on Monday 4th of December 9:57 PM, 2000 (

Excellent poll, my congratulations to the chef.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
the great, brave word 'ha' on Monday 4th of December 4:46 PM, 2000 (

well, seeing as no one has bothered to post for awhile, i thougt i might share my time with you all. and seeing as we have bean provided with grrreat subject material, let us begin...
the word 'ha' is defined in the Oxford Mini Dictionalry (1988) as follows; ha - int. exclamation of triumph. but, u have to ask yourself, is there an actual reason to use this extraordinary word? well, actually, no. not really. its probably just a waste of space, and alot of peoples time. not to mention, having no point whatsoever.

what the HELL was the reason for me to post this??? who knows!!! who really gives a fuck??

space-wasting........... yay

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Scooby Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
ha on Friday 10th of November 3:16 PM, 2000 (


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

scooby Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
"ha" on Wednesday 8th of November 3:37 PM, 2000 (

more cartoons I can go "ha" again...I miss "ha"ing

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

kismet Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16 i686; Nav)
ultimate truth for fishy on Tuesday 31st of October 6:11 PM, 2000 (

changed sense of the page browing mode of the cartoon perl to match the sense of the focused browse mode (next -> newer, previous -> older)

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17 i686; Nav)
Slackware on Saturday 28th of October 10:58 PM, 2000 (

This is a very nice website.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Catch22 Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0 i686)
Wine on Thursday 12th of October 9:16 AM, 2000 (

Bring me wine

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17 i686; Nav)
Come back jelzekeib, all is forgiven! on Wednesday 11th of October 10:28 PM, 2000 (

First post from the microwave link!

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17 i686; Nav)
Microsoft Windows NT Service pack 6a on Monday 18th of September 9:22 PM, 2000 (

Is there anybody.. out there?

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

ZenSandwich Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17 i686)
weird picture. on Friday 15th of September 10:52 PM, 2000 (

OK, I have to ask. What's the deep symbolism behind the new picture with the guy and the multi-tentacled thing on the front of the website? ;)

--TZS. (Telecom finally installed my Jetstream -line, YaY!)

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Catch22 Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0 i686)
This weeks poll on Thursday 14th of September 11:53 AM, 2000 (

This weeks poll decided to go AWOL, not sure why probably something to do with the phases of the moon coupled with incompetent site admins. You will have to vote again as all ballots were deleted.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0 i686)
*meep* on Wednesday 6th of September 4:36 PM, 2000 (

very nice peolpe thingees on mail page. most excellent.
but now, for the real reason for posting.....

ok, so mabey i wont. but today i'll start small. i'll just take over this part of the comments page.

and hop no one will notice me there, creeping in like some cancerous....... cancer-stuff.

"yeah, we gone, peace."

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.0-test5 i686)
Tui mouse ad on Monday 4th of September 6:22 PM, 2000 (

I have captured the text from the end of the tui ad with the mice.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.0-test5 i686)
Bored on Saturday 2nd of September 3:49 PM, 2000 (

ihug router break
no net connection for me
soon I shall perish

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0 i686)
speakz on Friday 1st of September 2:56 PM, 2000

i think i will post here until i have taken up the whole short listing of recent comments. it helps to make me belive that i am actually taking over the world.
get some up ya!

Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0 i686)
slience.... on Sunday 13th of August 10:14 PM, 2000 (

where have all the people gone... there is a distinct lack of chatter and items of good humor here nowadays. is there some, sudden, HUGE taboo on this comments page that says that peole are not allowed to speak here, in this, great and, marvellous open forum that the great llamadon has provied for us?

beacuse, remember......



[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.0-test2 i686)
Dynamic DNS service on Saturday 8th of July 4:03 PM, 2000 (

The dyndns service on was accidently 'secured' in the move to its new upstream.

I have opened up port 4242, so clients should be able to connect and update their addresses now.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.15 i686)
New Provider on Thursday 6th of July 10:43 AM, 2000 ( has moved from its paradise upstream connection to a cheaper and more flexible connection with IHUG. The bandwidth is expected to go up from 2 megabit some time in the future.

DNS related problems should resolve in the next hour or so. If anything is broken after about lunch time, please send some mail to with elaborate diagrams of the problem attached in jpeg format.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16 i686)
New Tui advert on Tuesday 4th of July 10:21 PM, 2000

I managed to capture
The text at the end of the new Tui ad.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

kismet Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16 i686)
yay! on Friday 30th of June 12:01 AM, 2000 (

yay, I am posting from home.
my gateway box is really broken. it doesn't have traceroute, or ping.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Gestalte[] Mozilla/4.7 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.16 i686)
Sweet Merciful Crap on Monday 26th of June 6:03 PM, 2000 (

Where is Kommander Spleen?!

I must know. Take him to me!

[ Post Reply ]

muahaha [] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
muahahaha on Friday 23rd of June 10:22 PM, 2000

| DeadBeef ( (New Zealand)
³ ircname : Lincoln Reid
| channels : #chatzone #teenchat
³ server : (Internet Company of New Zealand)

Post Reply ]

maharG Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
nice... on Wednesday 14th of June 7:28 PM, 2000 (

nice work, agent of death. once again you have stuck fear into the hearts and minds of our enemies....

seriously, i need to borrow your mind to help with a problem of mine. i seem to have broken my modemn in linux ( somehow) and it dosent want to play nice. i tried to call u tonite, btut i just missed u, so if u wantto give me a call whne u get home, (i'll be up till about 11:30), but otherwise i'll try to get hold of u tommorrow.

thanx dood.


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-12smp i686)
Fast... on Sunday 11th of June 5:27 PM, 2000 (

I got this bettween and I believe thats the fastest I've seen a compressed tar transfer bettween two machines.

ftp> get linux-2.2.16.tar.gz
local: linux-2.2.16.tar.gz remote: linux-2.2.16.tar.gz
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for linux-2.2.16.tar.gz (17106471 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
17106471 bytes received in 1.74 secs (9.6e+03 Kbytes/sec)

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98)
no subject on Tuesday 30th of May 10:15 AM, 2000 (

Waiting for the cable modem installer.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Catch22 Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0 i686) on Monday 22nd of May 2:59 PM, 2000 (

It appears that was slightly broken and did not allow users to set the comments display mode to 'Nested'. This has now been fixed.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

sw Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
no subject on Saturday 20th of May 9:39 PM, 2000 (

fUck iM bEnT!@$# bahahahahhaahh

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

kismet Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0 i686)
gamez on Friday 19th of May 4:39 PM, 2000 (

for a good time telnet to on port 4950

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

jam[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
wet dirt on Saturday 6th of May 12:46 AM, 2000 (

the door is bent
it bangs in the wind
the wind is bent around the ground
the sky is bent around the world
the world is bent around the sun
the sun, around the galaxy
the galaxy around the universe
the universe around God
God, is just bent
I am not

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon [] Mozilla/4.08 [en] (X11; I; IRIX 6.5 IP22; Nav)
TUesday on Tuesday 2nd of May 1:10 AM, 2000 (

Any of you wollongong flunkies be around tuesday?
me and some of the boys will be coming down.


[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0smp i686)
3D renderings on Monday 1st of May 2:22 PM, 2000 (

This is rendered in 3dsmax:

htt p://


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12-20 i686)
apologies.... on Sunday 30th of April 11:49 PM, 2000 (

in my most humblest way, (whatever that may be), i offer my apologise to Mr Anderson, for not being able to attend the festivities that marked the occasion of your birthday. i hope that it all went well, and that there was much rejoycing and vomiting to be had by all. i'm sure that u will send the 'boyz' round to sort my shit out, and i welcome this. well, nuff said.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIMON, welcome to the older persons establishment.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

sw Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
1! on Saturday 29th of April 7:18 AM, 2000

yoooooooooooooou can have it ALLLLLLLLLLLLL

my empire of DIIIIIIIIRT









Post Reply | Whois ]

Catch22 Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0smp i686)
Lord Of the Unicies on Saturday 29th of April 2:46 AM, 2000 (

DeadBeef helped me with this.

Three UNIX's (Solaris, SCO, DIGITAL) for the Elven-kings Under the sky,

Seven BSD's (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, BSDI, TrustedBSD, 386BSD, 4.4BSD Lite) for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

Nine Linux's (RedHat, Debian, Slackware, Mandrake, Corel, SUSE, Stampede, Bastille, StormX) for Mortal Men doomed to die,

One UNIX for the Dark Lord on his dark throne,
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

One UNIX to rule them all, One UNIX to find them,
One UNIX to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them,

In the Land of Mordor, where the Shadows lie.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

sw Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
Rant on Wednesday 26th of April 10:31 PM, 2000

Can we have an Easter rant please?

Post Reply | Whois ]

Catch22 Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-22 i586)
dRinK! on Monday 24th of April 2:01 PM, 2000 (

I want to get drunk tonight

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0smp i686)
Simon on Wednesday 19th of April 6:09 PM, 2000 (

I must post to wish Mr Anderson well on the 21st aniversary of the date of his birth.


Simon, I wish you well on the 21st aniversary of the date of your birth.

You have successfully thrown yourself at death and missed.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Az[] Mozilla/4.7 [en] (Win95; I)
*Post!* on Wednesday 19th of April 5:11 PM, 2000

Well someone had too...

Post Reply ]

ZenSandwich Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT)
Told you so... on Monday 3rd of April 2:23 PM, 2000

I think this was inevitable:

I'm started to get rather scared by how much stuff Telstra has control of these days, even if they are playing the 'good guys' in this country.


Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98; DigExt)
Irony on Sunday 2nd of April 11:00 AM, 2000 (

For your daily dose of irony consult the windows "Getting Started" guide.
Using the mouse is covered on page 105.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12-20 i686)
the aftermath on Wednesday 29th of March 9:58 PM, 2000 (

yes, i have actually recovered from my near-death experience on my party. and yes, it did have everyhtingto do with the 'fire water'damn it and its buyers to hell. ahh well, at least everyone else had a good time, and much merriment was enjoyd by all.

i swear i'll never drink anything that i get form lincoln EVER AGAIN!!!!!!

well, that is until the next time there is merriment.


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.14 i686; Nav)
Windows on Sunday 19th of March 11:07 AM, 2000 (

For the benefit of the windows using population reading the comments page, I have included a link.

Note: save anything important before visiting it.


Damn i'm bored.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12-20 i686)
parte' on Tuesday 14th of March 10:28 PM, 2000 (

this is to anyone who might be concerned...
i am having a wee birthday bash at my flat on the 18th March. The address is 39 Highbury Road, Highbury. if anyone might want to come, send me an email, call me, visit me at work, post on the comments page, or just turn up. anytyme after 7pm is good.


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

Az[] Mozilla/4.7 [en] (Win95; I)
Website... on Saturday 11th of March 1:42 PM, 2000

Go there.

Post Reply ]

Catch22 Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-22 i586)
babble.txt on Wednesday 8th of March 10:57 PM, 2000 (

One Short Of A Llama is in the process of updating the source file for the fortune cookie message displayed on the front page. Our target is atleast one hundred new messages to bring the total number of lines above five hundred. I have managed to add fifty new messages after a few days work, if you have anything you consider worth including email it/post it in a reply to this message/use smoke signals and jungle drums, whatever to get it to us.

Some examples of the newer 'babbles':

    Time heals all wounds, but it leaves ugly, ugly scars.
    You are the weak link in the food chain
    If you can see this message we have control of your mind

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.14 i686)
Computers of SaTaN!@? on Tuesday 7th of March 4:08 PM, 2000 (

http ://

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

sw Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
! on Tuesday 29th of February 11:16 PM, 2000

Morny, Room Serbees, tandjewfa kalling

youlikfor copy? wimill?

toes? donjuan toes? singlish sopping? creasebacon? and strangle ache!


Post Reply | Whois ]

opium Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
evil! on Monday 28th of February 5:55 PM, 2000

"dont you, realise, that evil lives in the skin, unrealised"

- System of a down

this albums pretty cool. they had this chick who was possessed on days of our lives today. it was fucking wicked. she had cool grey eyes and spoke in a low tone just like she was possessed! (spelling)

ok thats about all ive done today...
oh yeah yay i got the doors to work properly in starcraft!!

Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.14 i686; Nav)
FTP on Saturday 26th of February 2:19 AM, 2000 (

I have moved to gnu.


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12-20 i686)
dont try this at home on Sunday 20th of February 1:08 AM, 2000 (

i am really drunk, and this is really hard to do at first, but after you try it, typing isnt erally as hard as you think when your drunk, its just hard to remember to spell things right. the words just seem to flow out of your fingers and into the keyboard... its a rally kool feeling.
my god, i am sooooooooo drunk.
wee the room is spinning

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

kismet Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12-20 i586; Nav)
come together everyone, and rejoice! on Saturday 19th of February 1:25 AM, 2000 (

Hava nagila, hava nagila, hava nagila
venis mecha.

Hava nagila, hava nagila, hava nagila
venis mecha.

Hava neranena, hava neranena, hava neranena,
venis mecha.

Hava neranena, hava neranena, hava neranena,
venis mecha.

Uru, uru achim,
uru achim belev sameach,
uru achim belev sameach,
uru achim belev sameach,

uru achim
uru achim
uru achiiiIIiIIiiiiiimmmMmmMMmm....

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.14 i686; Nav)
no subject on Saturday 19th of February 12:17 AM, 2000 (

[ db@yak ] [ Sat Feb 19 12:37:47am ]
[ ~ ]$ uptime
12:37am up 162 days, 11:15, 3 users, load average: 1.76, 1.98, 1.98

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.14 i686; Nav)
Mail on Friday 18th of February 10:31 PM, 2000 (

We have moved the primary mail exchanger for to, if you have any problems, mail me.

Spot the irony.

Many beers were harmed in the making of this change.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12-20 i686)
err on Sunday 13th of February 2:50 AM, 2000 (

seeing as there hassnt been a post for a few days, i thought i mght share a few words with you all. i went to the 'under' gig tonight, and it rocked. 'under' have koRn and Tool influences, but they take these influences and mould them into a really good, rocking sound, and they really keep a crowd going.
Opium came with me, and i thought that it really was worth my time in going.

there, that wasnt so bad, now was it??

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.14 i686; Nav)
The message at the end of the Tui ad with the mice on Sunday 6th of February 10:26 PM, 2000 (

PLEASE NOTE: The stunts depicted must be performed by skilled mice under controlled conditions. No actors were harmed in the making of this commercial for Tui Brewery, Mangatainoka. Thank you for your time.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG Mozilla/5.0 [en-US] (Linux; I)
asses of fire2 on Sunday 30th of January 11:18 PM, 2000 (




and yes, the flappyhead is responsible for this mockery of insanity

(and your ass is on fire)


[ Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.14 i686; Nav)
fortune on Sunday 30th of January 11:40 AM, 2000

NATHAN ... your PARENTS were in a CARCRASH They're VOIDED -- They COLLAPSED They had no CHAINSAWS ... They had no MONEY MACHINES ... They did PILLS in SKIMPY GRASS SKIRTS ... Nathan, I EMULATED them ... but they were OFF-KEY ...

Post Reply | Whois ]

sw Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
haha on Saturday 29th of January 7:16 PM, 2000

OK everyone, I have a story that I wrote a few years ago published. You should all read it. Its really silly.

Post Reply | Whois ]

Az[] Mozilla/4.7 [en] (Win95; I)
Back Again... on Saturday 29th of January 4:24 PM, 2000 (

I like the new page.

It is very good.

Graham and Simon, I need to talk to you!

Y'all should come to Bands in the Square on Sunday 6th January.

Ooh! I like the word wrap thing in the window that I'm typing in. It is all good.

[ Post Reply ]

sw Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
Valencio on Friday 28th of January 1:57 AM, 2000

Steal my sunshine!

Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.14 i686; Nav)
Ihug on Tuesday 11th of January 7:33 PM, 2000 (

Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 16:30:00 +1300 (NZDT)
From: ihug accounts
To: ihug customer
Subject: Permanent Connections

The Diamond account plan is the pricing plan for ihug customers who anticipate
being online for up to 350 hours per month. It does not entitle you to a
permanent internet connection.

To ensure that all of our customers can connect to the internet when they want
to, we may disconnect you if you remain connected for longer than 3 hours.

If we are constantly disconnecting you for this reason or if you are using more
than 350 hours for two months in a row and 12 hours per day for two days in a
month you will be deemed as a permanent connection and in breach of our terms
and conditions.

Once you are classified as having a permanent connection we will change your
pricing plan to the Permanent Modem Connection Account from the beginning of
your next monthly billing period.

The Permanent Modem Connection Account does not have a three hour kick off and
costs $199 per month. The terms of that plan will be applied to you and the
charges will appear on your ihug account. You will be informed by email before
we do this.

These conditions also apply to Satnet customers who connect to the modem pool
for two way modem traffic.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

opium Mozilla/4.6 [en] (Win98; I)
hmmm on Tuesday 11th of January 4:33 PM, 2000

ummm, hmmmm. Er, nope. My few weeks of absence obviously havent inspired me to think of anything interesting. Good yodle.

Post Reply | Whois ]

DeadBeef Lynx/2.8.2rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14
Anti-disestablishmentarianism. on Tuesday 11th of January 8:44 AM, 2000

Lynx rocks!

Post Reply | Whois ]

Catch22 Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-22 i586)
OSOAL on Monday 10th of January 7:25 AM, 2000 (

So this is the new OSOAL site, obviously if you have any problems you should mail the appropriate people whoever they may be.

[ Post Reply | Whois ]

maharG[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12-20 i686)
the state of the world.... on Wednesday 5th of January 11:09 PM, 2000 (

i just like to say that we the world is still as fucked up as it was last century, and most likely will be for the next 100 years
gee, what a thing to look forward too....

[ Post Reply ]

Chris[] Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
Y2K Compliance on Friday 31st of December 9:52 PM, 1999 (

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to enquire as to the Year 2000 compliance of the OSOAL program "Remain". What will happen to this little gem after Y2K?

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.7 [en] (X11; I; IRIX 6.2 IP22)
bent on Tuesday 28th of December 2:54 AM, 1999

Rooty hill. Traffic parses slowly. Asterix. Anti-obelix. Unable to mount root.
Boom boom ley lee. Cousin julianne. Breasts. N1pplez. IRIX. Cunulingus. Traffix parses at moderate rate.
Variables. Scalars. Scales. Nigger. Frenic? Mount Druitt. Eddies annex. Cold breeze of issues and delusion.
Wasted hours. Wasted breath. Wasted life.

Traffic ceases to parse...

//Satyricon Dali

Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/5.0 [en-US] (Linux; I)
The time is near.... on Monday 27th of December 9:34 AM, 1999 (


<disturbing cult mode>
The ship is almost here, I cannot wait until we can surf on its mighty back to the freedom of eternity.
</disturbing cult mode>

<shaggy mode>
Were done for 'scoob....
</shaggy mode>

<paranoid delusionist mode>
Shotgun .... check.
18 months rations ..... check.
65535 rounds of buckshot ..... check.
cyanide capsules ...... check.
Portable generator ...... check.
Lead Shielding ...... check.
</paranoid delusionist mode>

Wibble.. Wibble, Wibble.

Thank you for your time.

[ Post Reply ]

Kyhwana[] Lynx/2.8rel.2 SSL-128bit libwww-FM/2.14
Santa on Sunday 26th of December 4:37 AM, 1999 (

Damn! the fat guy got away!
I did nail him a few times with my trusty railgun tho..

[ Post Reply ]

Chris[] Mozilla/4.7 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i586; Nav)
The Fuckwit Brothers on Wednesday 22nd of December 10:10 PM, 1999 (

Hi Kids ! You like violins ?

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.13 i686; Nav)
Just noticed this... on Sunday 19th of December 6:39 PM, 1999 (

[ db@yak ] [ Sun Dec 19 06:38:34pm ] [ There are 12 days remaining ]
[ ~ ]$ uptime
6:38pm up 101 days, 5:15, 3 users, load average: 1.06, 1.01, 1.00


[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.13 i686; Nav)
Broom on Sunday 19th of December 4:03 PM, 1999 (

2.5 inch exhaust make skyline go loud broom.

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.7 [en] (X11; I; IRIX 6.2 IP22)
THIS is a computer! on Thursday 16th of December 12:37 AM, 1999

Best 500 bucks I ever spent.

Post Reply ]

Chris [] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
Yay Vengabus on Wednesday 15th of December 12:49 AM, 1999 (

10:47pm up 100 days, 11:04, 6 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Thats pretty good for a Cyrix 166 that sits in the corner of my lounge room with no case on, that mum has a tendancy to turn off. Although by seeing that, its quite obvious shes ignored it for some time now =)

[ Post Reply ]

Zen Sandwich again.[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)
LinuxNet on Tuesday 14th of December 5:51 PM, 1999 (

LinuxNet must be making an impression already, I see Dan got mentioned in this week's InfoTech:


[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Lynx/2.8.1rel.2 libwww-FM/2.14
Life, Rooty Hill and Everything(Linux) on Wednesday 1st of December 10:43 PM, 1999 (

This is a poem I spontaneously composed and rapped live in front of my work mates after 5 beers. Most people know I'm a cadbury.

I once was living way down south
I was bored, lonely, jolt taste in my mouth
These were the gentle strains of canberra
But now my hood is westside of parra
I spent my days hanging it low
Installing linux firewalls, cause i've got dis know
I hang wit my brothers in rooty hill
My life up here its one big thrill
The bums are smelly, flies around them buzz
One approaches "Can I scab a ciggie cuz?"
I got the westside know-how
The mad networking skills
But this is MY hood
On the westside of seven hills.

I got dis job, I got dis warez
I got nt certs and no cunt cares
I got a housemate who teaches kids
I saw her undies - big brown skids.

Rooty hill, the nigger's home
Just laugh at the 20 year old smackys with their reflective bald dome.

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT 5.0)
! on Monday 22nd of November 3:35 PM, 1999 (

I hate to say it but win2k server is actually kinda pretty cool. If you have 10k to spend on hardware that is.

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.13 i686; Nav)
Windows NT haiku on Monday 22nd of November 10:42 AM, 1999 (

Taken from

Windows NT crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; NetPositive/2.1; BeOS)
dsjhk on Sunday 21st of November 8:53 PM, 1999


Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Saturday 20th of November 7:44 PM, 1999

Once upon a time there was a happy screwdriver... from bongo bongo land
Not a very special screwdriver. 6mm slot-head. Not very long. Pretty default.
By and by it came to be that the default happy screwdriver needed to build a big chocolate house.
He wanted to build it out of wood, like most houses. Sept he wanted it to be a chocolate house.
So he went to the sad material scientist and knocked on his door...
"knock knock" said the scrwedriver as it bashed its head against the door
Eventually the door opened and the sad material scientist invited him in to his house for tea, scones, and gummy bears (the small ones, not the big giant Robin Cook lookalike ones that you're probably thinking of)
"Thank you" said happy screwdriver and followed that literary brilliance with a well placed question in accordance with commonly accepted social guidelines...
"Can you please make me some wood out of chocolate?"
And with that, and with some other stuff, happy screwdriver left with his pile of chocolate wood and went back to his plot to start building his house...
He worked day and night, hammering and gluing and shit and it came to be that he was almost finished... bar one screw (the KEY screw!) which had to be put in the middle of the house perfectly or the whole thing would fall down...
It was really cool cause the screw was.
Unfortunately the screw was a square drive, so happy screwdriver was pissed. Major time. He got his next door neighbour to hold her finger on the KEY screw place until he returned from his friends house...
"knock knock" said the rocks that happy screwdriver threw against angry robertson drive screwdrivers door (he learnt from last time after hurting his head some what)
To cut a short story even shorter, the screw driver answered the door, they said some stuff, and happy screwdriver convinced him to come back to his house and do up the KEY screw in his chocolate wood house
Angry robertson drive screwdriver climbed up to the top of the house and put the screw in to the pilot hole, and started to turn (relieving happy screwdrivers neighbours finger)
The screw went deeper and deeper the more he turned, while happy screwdriver waited on the ground
And then something fuck-off bad happened. The enter house made a big woosh sound and collapsed flat o nthe ground in a big pile of brown sludge
Happy screwdriver called out for angry robertson drive screwdriver but got no reply. Hense he deduced he was dead. Big time.
Happy screwdriver was happy he didnt die, and bought a pre made house made out of proper wood and lived hapily ever after. He could see why angry robertson drive was so angry. He was dead. And hapy screwdriver was alive. I think there's somethign in taht for all of us...

Post Reply ]

SW[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
The Poll on Tuesday 16th of November 6:58 PM, 1999 (

Hey, I quite like reading JonKatz's articles :P

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.7 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12-20smp i686)
yay fortune on Friday 12th of November 2:50 PM, 1999 (

I/O, I/O,
It's off to disk I go,
A bit or byte to read or write,
I/O, I/O, I/O...

-- fortune

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12-20smp i686; Nav)
quake haiku on Tuesday 9th of November 8:58 AM, 1999 (

I found this at http:/ /

Dancing shotgun guy
Don't you see that I'm glowing?
Quad rocket for you

[ Post Reply ]

maharG lan42.osoal.lan[] Lynx/2.8.2rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14
nuthin on Wednesday 3rd of November 10:23 PM, 1999 (

i wanted to do this, coz i can
its so much fun, not


[ Post Reply ]

maharG cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12-20smp i686; Nav)
- on Sunday 31st of October 12:27 AM, 1999 (


[ Post Reply ]

Chris[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
Higher, higher..... on Saturday 30th of October 2:16 AM, 1999 (

I'll have what shes having.

[ Post Reply ]

SW[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
! on Wednesday 27th of October 4:25 PM, 1999 (

Fuck me.......$18 for 12 minutes to NZ, and you talked to Khollie and I for a bit over a half hour, at what I would guess to be around the same pricing......jesus.

[ Post Reply ]

katia[] Mozilla/4.06 [en]C-gatewaynet (Win98; I)
the evil wretched phone companies on Wednesday 27th of October 4:54 AM, 1999 (


I telephoned NZ one night and spoke to dear sweet opie (he's really a pervert) and the ever good Sir Deadbeef (I'm not sure what he really is)
I spoke for 12 minutes and it was $18.00. That is over a dollar a minute. Why so expensive, I ask?
I, for one, can think of no good reason. So, I propose blowing up the phone companies instead of the silly trains. The phone lines
should be free to all who would care to abuse them. Besides, if there were no monetary restrictions, I could telephone each and everyone of you
whenever I pleased (does anyone know gareth's phone number?). I know my calls would greatly enhance your lives. So, I am now taking bids
for the job of blowing up the phone company. All interested parties drop me a line.


HRH Katia

[ Post Reply ]

Matt[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (WinNT; I)
there's a bomb on this train on Tuesday 26th of October 2:03 PM, 1999

im sick of these bomb threats. next time i want a bomb threat like in speed. get home really quick :)

Post Reply ]

maharG cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12-20smp i686; Nav)
not yay? on Sunday 24th of October 4:03 PM, 1999 (

i see that my previous attempts to liven this place up failed.
therefore, i will have to kill u all with my boomstick.
feel my pellets, heathen peasants!!!!!


[ Post Reply ]

maharG[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95)
? on Monday 18th of October 10:50 PM, 1999 (

well, i'm bored, so i decided to lighten up everyones life.


thats all i'm gonna say bout daht....

[ Post Reply ]

mobtek[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i686)
re:depressive on Wednesday 13th of October 2:35 AM, 1999 (

hmmm depression....depression....some bits have fallen off..
more depression.....79 days left....depression....
yeah dig it!..........prozac.....depression.....
slighty more than before......depression.....
this could be alarming......depression...
ahhh here's my gun.....happy {:)

[ Post Reply ]

sdfsfasdfasdf asd asdf asdfsdf cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/5.0 [en-US] (LINUX; I)
no subject on Sunday 10th of October 10:50 PM, 1999 (



[ Post Reply ]

david cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12-20smp i686; Nav)
hour of power on Sunday 10th of October 1:21 PM, 1999 (

hour of power is bad
i cant remember how many times i threw up.

[ Post Reply ]

maharG[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95)
lack of chest-cannons on Sunday 10th of October 12:29 AM, 1999 (

i hereby wish to express my deepest anger and resentment over the fact that i didnt get any hooter-action at the indigo bar.
i also wish to announce that me and kathleen are no longer going out with each other.
and all i want to do is to drink shooters, and get me some hooter action

god-damn, all i wanna do is live.....

all i wanna do is live....



[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; OpenBSD 2.5 i386)
Snak! on Thursday 7th of October 6:49 PM, 1999 (

I got a fucken snake man!

[ Post Reply ]

Az[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
no subject on Monday 4th of October 9:27 PM, 1999

More Awesome Hard Dance/Rock Music night at Indigo this Friday night!
$2 Tap Beers!

Stuff like Tool, Rammstein, Chemical Brothers, Korn, Prodigy, Fat Boy Slim, NIN, Faith No More, all the good stuff! :)

You should go.

Cheap Beer!

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (Win98; I)
no subject on Monday 4th of October 5:20 PM, 1999

just when yer in the midst of thinking how life can sometime turn out good and good things can happen to make it better, you realise yer just being stupid because stupid fucking things can piss you off and make you fucked off at everything all over again

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Sunday 3rd of October 7:54 PM, 1999


Post Reply ]

david[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12 i586; Nav)
haiku on Friday 24th of September 12:43 AM, 1999 (

spring breeze through the trees
no horoscopes for this week
disappointment reigns

blossoms greet the sun
I suck at doing projects
I am far too slack

new warmth beckons all
I can't wait for it to end
I need a stiff drink

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12 i686; Nav)
Disturbing(!) on Wednesday 22nd of September 1:14 AM, 1999 (

[ db@cow ] [ Wed Sep 22 01:09:41am ] [ There are 100 days remaining ]
[ ~ ]$ wine uata66-d.exe
Could not stat /mnt/fd0, ignoring drive A:

PKSFX (R) FAST! Self Extract Utility Version 2.04g 02-01-93
Copr. 1989-1993 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. Registered version
PKSFX Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.

Searching EXE: H:/HOME/DB/UATA66-D.EXE
Inflating: UATA66.EXE
Inflating: UATA66.TXT

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Konqueror/1.1.1
Fsck on Tuesday 21st of September 4:37 AM, 1999

fuck me this brwoser is ugly

Post Reply ]

maharG cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12 i686; Nav)
life on mars on Sunday 19th of September 3:23 PM, 1999 (

this post had nothing at all to do wiht life on mars;, i just heard the phrase on the radio, and i thought that it might make a nice subject.
anywho, i am now living at my parents palce for the time being, and already i am enjoying the freedom.
this is for anyone who might be interested in my problems.

kay, bye now

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Lynx/2.8rel.2 libwww-FM/2.14
FTP on Thursday 16th of September 11:53 PM, 1999 (

ftp has been re-enabled on yak after installing a patched version of proftpd.

[ Post Reply ]

sad maharG cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12 i686; Nav)
Lucky; the final chapter on Wednesday 15th of September 6:38 PM, 1999 (


At 7:15, 13 September, my friend and companion Lucky the Border Collie-cross was put down. I would like the world to know that I tried my very very best to keep him alive, but I was given no choice, no options, and no way out to keep the poor fellow alive and breathing. After the heinous event, I took him back to where I live, (with my girlfriend and her murdering family), and proceeded to give him the one last thing that he deserved, a place to rest. I was beyond thinking, totally enraged, and I coudnt give a shit about my girlfriends Mothers front yard. I suppose I should have been more composed, but when the Murdering Bizzatch Mother came out to confront me, I let go of my anger and hatred, (and succumed to the dark-side of the force).
There was screaming and yelling and bitter words, to the point that the Mother went off in the car crying, and me still digging the hole for my good, kind dog. I know I said some very bad things, and that I should have conducted myself with composure, but fuck that. I was angry, hurt and fucked off, and so I took it out on my ememy, the murdering bastards. And, i dont regret a thing. I knew I was doing the right thing for my dog, and giving him a bit of respect.
In the end, I calmed down, and realised that putting him in the fron yard was not the right thing to do, even though I was beyond caring about doing the right thing. So, i wrapped him in a blanket, and took him to the river, where I waded out into mid-stream, and laid him down to rest.
So, to Lucky, the best Dog anyone could ask for, please dont think bad thoughts of me, I did try my best for you, and even in the end, I still fought for your right to a proper resting place. I hope that the wisdom and power of the river will keep you safe in the journey that you will now take, and I hope that you Rest In Peace.
Always remembering you...



[ Post Reply ]

Matt[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT 5.0)
Win2000 on Saturday 11th of September 1:07 PM, 1999

wow. it works

Post Reply ]

maharG cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12 i686; Nav)
the saga continues.... on Tuesday 7th of September 7:39 PM, 1999 (

the fight over the dog continues....
i am at war wiht my girlfriends mother over my god, and BY GODS!!!!!!
i shall overcome all adversity.
the jist of the story is, i have a dog, the my girlfriend wanted is the first place, and now wants nothing to do wiht it.
therefor, i am the sole protector of the dog. her mother wants the dog gone by next monday, and today is tuesday. there is no hope in finding him a home, as he is very excitiable, and can get aggressive, but all he really wants is a little attention and love.
he is a 11 month old border-collie-cross, named Lucky.
but he wont be lucky for very long.
until next tyme....

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; I; OpenBSD 2.5 i386)
Hmmm on Monday 6th of September 4:59 AM, 1999 (

In the name of charity and goodwill (tm) id like to apologise for my hostile posts and make peace with my taunters.

[ Post Reply ]

Catch22 cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12 i686; Nav)
actIV on Sunday 5th of September 2:08 AM, 1999 (

Are you wanting MORE, but getting LESS?
Are you seeing DOUBLE, both the SAME THING?
Are you the EARLY bird in the LATE SHIFT?
If you even bothered to answer the questions above, you need One Short Of A Llama's patented formula: ActIV
'Cause without it you may die (or not)

[ Post Reply ]

MEL[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95)
no subject on Sunday 5th of September 1:06 AM, 1999

Just a note to all to say I am still alive, just not kicking much.....
Life in Auckland is Boring and I'd like to move to Wellington to play with gauged eyes and gin. Thankyou

And I love you all

bahahahaha whaattta trip

Post Reply ]

Az[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.35 i586)
Morons... on Friday 3rd of September 6:08 PM, 1999

Will someone please tell that fucking idiot that this comments page should not be used for blatantly pasting IRC logs?
I mean who the fuck reads those things anyway?

Post Reply ]

mobtek[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.5-15 i686)
hehe the bits i forgot on Thursday 2nd of September 4:30 AM, 1999 (

satyricon| my craptop runs redcrap, so I cant debian nazi you all
satyricon| sod

Dogcow wonders how dbt made it out of primary school
satyricon| heh
pho| satyricon: nah, it's related to dbt-aint-got-no-balls
satyricon| pho: ahh in the juvenilius circumsizius family?

satyricon| most seem more concerned with if you're fun, rich,
intelligent and have a large pack of meat

satyricon| hahaha
satyricon| dependancies failed
satyricon| fucking cunt openbsd box
satyricon| ill give it dependancies!

satyricon| this's gotta be a record
satyricon| 11 minutes to load the gimp

satyricon| mm
satyricon| im more of a geek than a hacker
satyricon| so clug interests me way more than defcon or whatever
satyricon| defcon is prententious kids writing silly overflows
for the daemons we spend hours writing at clug

* satyricon returns from dirty billy's booze hut
satyricon| jesus I get drunk easy
satyricon| not even a whole bottle and im swaying
Shra| oh well satyr.. least it's cheaper
satyricon| I can goto a pub with $20
satyricon| and come out off my tits utterly
satyricon| yeah cadburies
satyricon| glass and a half

satyricon| we got all the sexual ones
satyricon| like slipper nipple
CybrDmge| beer is so gradual
Shra| er it
satyricon| cock sucking cowboy
satyricon| all that shit
satyricon| "teeeheeeeeeeee chicken breast teeeheeeeee breast"
CybrDmge| smoking bongs is bad
CybrDmge| i gave up cause i was failing everything
satyricon| yeah
satyricon| one day
Shra| ditto
satyricon| im going to get on the full dole
satyricon| and just smoke cones and code
g^style| Cybr: it doesnt make you stop werking heh that is your motivation :P
satyricon| and be totally inert
satyricon| and love it
CybrDmge| ah the midnight munchies .... hehehe
satyricon| mmmm
satyricon| im nearly done this cider
satyricon| time for a new one in a second
satyricon| and ill get some jatz and cheap camember
satyricon| the tism is cranking, #teens is wanking, the cider is downing fast
satyricon| im way in the groove, not going to move, thinking bout bong sessions past
satyricon| WOO
satyricon| FEER MY POEN
satyricon| brb
CybrDmge| some dick is trying to tell me that fbsd is more
secure than obsd
satyricon| anal rape him

it might be said that I have quoted out of context....
yeah so what of it [;P

[ Post Reply ]

mobtek[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.5-15 i686)
more Saty on Thursday 2nd of September 4:16 AM, 1999 (

hehe {:P

satyricon| rotfl
CybrDmge| hrmmm dogcow don't tell me u hang out in #teens ?
ellie| there's one like this
satyricon| < sLaCk^AsS> ALERT!! I Need Sex! !!ALERT
ellie| you guys are probably cybering in #teens
satyricon| feer #teens
satyricon| cybering?
satyricon| whassat/
ellie| that explains the silence
CybrDmge| i have never been there and never will go there
satyricon| or we COULD be doing something technical...
satyricon| I go there all the time its a fantastic laugh
ellie| and what makes u ppl superior
satyricon| errrr
satyricon| who said we were superior?
CybrDmge| hrmmm
***rcd ( has joined #2600
***Phroggy (cowls@ has joined #2600
ellie| well ur's damn obvious
CybrDmge| oh but saty we are like gods ... didn't u know ;]
satyricon| I forgot dude
satyricon| im k-leet
(Sprint/ WALLOPS :RogerY adding netban for 2 hours on *!*@ (No clones on Austnet. You have been warned) [26 Clients]
ellie| yah NEtGod only..
satyricon| netgod?
(Sprint/ WALLOPS :RogerY adding netban for 2 hours on *!* (No clones on Austnet. You have been warned) [55 Clients]
satyricon| you make less sense than a phillipino BDSM flick
ellie| without the net and putas..ur humanbeings.
satyricon| what's a humanbeing?
ellie| i guess u have not found out.
CybrDmge| no ... i'm a god
Dogcow| and without a brain you might be tolerable, ellie
satyricon| nah
satyricon| haha
CybrDmge| hehe
ellie| i never get what u say
satyricon| are you like some chick who gives dbt cybererotica?
Dogcow| my point exactly
ellie| guess god talks like that

the boy needs to get out more *grin*

[ Post Reply ]

Shakesbeare[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Tuesday 31st of August 10:34 PM, 1999

Jenna had a little poem, little poem, little poem
Jenna had a little poem
It's text was black on white
And everywhere that Jenna went
Her gouged out eyes did not

Post Reply ]

jenna[] Mozilla/4.06 [en]C-gatewaynet (Win98; I)
opie on Tuesday 31st of August 10:23 PM, 1999 (

There once was a man named Simon,
to his lady he offered his heart and a diamond
But alas she declined, and to help him unwind,
he drinks gin straight from the bottle

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
I call this poem, "Jenna" on Tuesday 31st of August 10:12 PM, 1999

Shes coming down the hall, shes gonna hit you with her stick
a freshly starched uniform looking rather spick
no red cross service medal will you see around her neck,
shes gonna toss the crazies in a mincer, just outside the deck

the ordilies are in the bathroom, washing Mr Knowl
while jenna comes a'storming in, with her 4 foot pole,
she wacks him twice behind the head, it really is a pleasure
then one more wack straight to the groin, just for good measure

but one day she did turn her back, and much to her surprise
a crazy jumped right on her back and gouged out both her eyes
and now young jenna cant see more than 2 inches before her face
so blindly swipes from side to side at 20 times the pace

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.9 i686)
Hax0r rangers in space! on Monday 30th of August 1:49 PM, 1999 (

< v0rt_> then lets code saty
< Satyricon> dude
< Satyricon> lets make a TV show
< v0rt_> k
< Satyricon> the mighty coding hax0r rangers
< v0rt_> can we have naked chicks ?
< Satyricon> COBOL ONLINE!
< paladin`> yell hack the planet alot in your show
< Satyricon> C++ ONLINE ALPHA!
< paladin`> haha
< Satyricon> rotfl
< v0rt_> hahahh
< Satyricon> and we can have like t00lz
< Satyricon> that we fight the evil .govs with
< paladin`> mighty coding h4x0r rangers in space
< Satyricon> power up imapd sploit!
< fraggy> hahaha
< paladin`> would you use newtons as like hax0r weapons
< Satyricon> I bags being Zer0_Cool
< Satyricon> yeah man
< Satyricon> blast him with IR mac ranger!
< Satyricon> OK Sun ranger
< Satyricon> SGI ranger, power up those 3d graphics bombs!
< paladin`> hahahaa
< Satyricon> this is an elite idea
< Satyricon> im gonna do it
< Satyricon> and we can have the evil rangers
< Satyricon> commanded by queen FUD
< fraggy> hhaha
< paladin`> hahaha
< Satyricon> like intel ranger and packard bell ranger
< Satyricon> OH NO! intel ranger has a new CPU tracking patch!
* fraggy flips channel to pbs and waits for the new show.....
< paladin`> queen FUD and evil gaypee, the man with no testicles

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.11 i686; Nav)
FTP on Monday 30th of August 10:05 AM, 1999 (

ftp is disabled on yak ( and all the other machines I administer ) until there is a patch available for the root exploits for pretty much all of the major ftpd's made available yesterday.
The files in the ftp area are available at at all times.

[ Post Reply ]

SW[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)
FUCKIGN YES!!!!!!!!!!!! on Sunday 29th of August 5:54 AM, 1999 (


[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
thought this was pretty cool on Saturday 28th of August 10:30 PM, 1999

"Our father,
I am changing. I am trying to get a grip. My tastes are differant (I actually like onions) But im not content, so in other words, I feel the need to rock fools. Always healthy, always on the winning team. Embracing all that is metal, especially the tight pitting parts that come together to tolerate zero. That is power. Hair is in, tattoos are bigger, training is the answer. Sharpening literary skills so i can play the game but never forgetting that words aren't the answer. Years on this road now heading to the eye. Listening to beats & throwing freestyles for fun. A century a week is my bottom bracket. Disc up front, vee in the rear, full spench. Building wheels so i can learn more about myself. Running double rights and a shit load of stretching. These things are important to me. Be prepared.
AMEN, T.C. 999"

- Timmy C., Rage Against The Machine

[ Post Reply ]

Az[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.35 i586)
Friday.... on Saturday 28th of August 12:57 PM, 1999

Where'd you guys go?!?

I leave you alone for 5 mnutes.....

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
more mindless dribble for your already dribbling minds on Thursday 26th of August 11:10 PM, 1999

you used to pull teeth and put them under your pillow.
and you used to wake up at 6:00 each christmas morning to open presents: the smell of pine needles
and you used to play on the beach. make cars out of sand. put some shells around the bottom for good measure.
ice creams on the way home. careful not to drip on the car.
so youve gotta eat it quickly but you want to eat it slowly cause it tastes so good
sand in bread. your teeth will thank you later. playing in some grotty sweerage infested stream.
there wasnt any other stream around.
youd come home from school and watch television. have dinner. watch more television then go to bed.
fish and chips occasional fridays. 1 scoop of chips and a hot dog. tomato sauce on the side.
eat them in the lounge with a slice of toast.
i never understood why we had toast. we just always did.
one slice each. vogel. buttered for us. i wonder why

maybe ill wake up tomorow before midday and maybe i wont
maybe somebody will talk to me and maybe they wont
maybe someone will show or atleast pretend they care
or perhaps ill feel fine. another day gone.
ever notice how everybody underestimates your hurt?
they read your bullshit poems and write them off as a craving for attention.
when all you want is to let it out. i dont even know why.
nothing makes you feel better. there's nobody around the corner just waiting to make you happy.
youve got to fight for everything. and then it doesnt work.
so you try again. over and over again until you get it right.
and then you're happy. and then you die.

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.9 i686)
no subject on Wednesday 25th of August 8:13 PM, 1999 (

By keeping our eyes fixed on the failings of others we end up by forgetting our own.
Additionally, DHCP is the devil.

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
no subject on Sunday 22nd of August 8:08 PM, 1999

the wonder of the loss. the hunger of the hurt. the celebration of the gone and the embracing of death.
jealous of your suffering. give me more. justify my anger. give yourself to my pain.
feed on your joy. suckle on your breast. eat all your flesh. drink your fluids.
give you my anger. force feed my pain. a supply of hurt yours to own.
give me loss. let others look upon it. painful lesson. the most important?
ignorant tears. selfish laughter. hurtful offerings. empty enlightenment.
just let me feel. let all anger be about you. or give me loss. let me rage against it.
let go your fears. love my hurt and my anger. let me laugh at your pain.
let it all equal out. the wettining of the drought. of all my pain. let my anger be in vane.

Post Reply ]

mobtek[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.5-15 i686)
ph33r Saty on Thursday 19th of August 11:45 PM, 1999 (

I take off my head to the rather strange and loathsome hairy
viking by the name of Satyricon....werd to ya Git [;P
Oh Gobblewergets Thy Micturations are to me as Gibblegidgets
as upon a lurgid bee! See if I don't!!

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
no subject on Thursday 19th of August 10:56 PM, 1999

Two souls, one night.
Their faces flicker in the lonely dance of candle light.
And a table covered in red silk. And a bottle of wine. And all the dreams of this night.
Empty eyes, she plays the game. A careless foot climbs up his leg.
The moment is his, he forgets all. It's all in her eyes. He doesnt see.

A stroll along a river side, a quarter to five, damp air and bird song.
Hand in hand that was the plan. Autumn leaves beneath their feat.
Tweed jackets. Woolen hats. Woolen gloves. Side by side. Forever.

He remembers the day. His most joyous memories, his most painful.
The look in her eyes. No more. The sizzle of cheap champaigne in a flute glass.
The relighting of the candle. The touch of her skin but for the look in her eyes.

A man in a petrol station, she cant remember the location. That day was for him.
Her single moments filled here and there. Helter skelter. Hurly burly. Easy come easy go.
Childhood innocence, she's all grown up. The man screws the cap back on.

A gentle kiss for him pure bliss. Too much to ask and too much time.
The importance of now forgotten in the future. A stroll along a river side.
A man at the petrol station. Memories forgotten as her leg touches his.
But it's all in her eyes that night. Its getting dark. So dark.

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.5-15 i686)
yAY on Thursday 19th of August 5:40 PM, 1999 (

yAY! pppd works. Like feer or something to that effect.

[ Post Reply ]

maharG cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.11 i686)
still alive on Tuesday 17th of August 5:43 PM, 1999 (

me is still alive, though i have a great big wound in my side, but never mind, lifr does still go on.
Please apply generous amounts of pain and suffering on me for not going to Brooks party, but i was in considerable pain and suffering then, but a little more between associates wont go amiss.
right, now i'll go away and cry, as that is what mahaRGs do best


[ Post Reply ]

Az[] Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.34 i586)
no subject on Tuesday 17th of August 3:28 PM, 1999

I wanna know who the annoying fucked up chick who wouldn't leave Brooke alone was!
She claims to know me, I probably dislike her with a vengeance...
Tell me!

(See Gareth, someone does read your fingers!)

P.S. Sorry I couldn't make it to your party Brooke! :( If it's any consolation, I didn't get anywhere near as drunk at the Ihug party as I could have at your party! :)

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.9 i686)
thought for the day on Thursday 12th of August 4:21 AM, 1999 (

We're not on EFnet anymore, t0t0grl

[ Post Reply ]

3r33t h4x0r![] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.10 i686)
K3v1n on Tuesday 10th of August 4:08 PM, 1999 (

f1rz+ p0s+!
fr33 k3v1n!!!!!!!!!!!

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/2.0 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
Werd to the berd on Saturday 7th of August 7:34 PM, 1999 (

Werd to my mac. I think ill call it Mr. Mac.

[ Post Reply ]

SW[] Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
HOOTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on Thursday 5th of August 12:06 AM, 1999 ( g

[ Post Reply ]

Az[] Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.34 i586)
Yay on Sunday 1st of August 11:57 AM, 1999

Yay for having a new apartment :)

People who give a rats ass should come round when we have drinkies.
However, if you are reading this *and* you give a rats ass, you are probably in a minority group.

Anyway, yay! :D

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.9 i686)
#teens on Sunday 1st of August 5:36 AM, 1999 (

I went to #teens on austnet tonight.... fucking mortifying place. The conversation went kinda like this:

<Melanie> Hi any guys from Canberra?
Query with melanie
<Satyr> Yeah I am.... 17/m
<Melanie> Want to cum round and fuck me?
<Satyr> Yeah, sure why not.
<Melanie> OK, cum round now
<Satyr> Yeah whats the address?
<Melanie> Umm actually dont, im just a lame IRC prick tease slut
<Satyr> Fine, bitch.
/exec -o pap3 -i broad.dat melaniesip
*** Melanie has quit IRC (ping timeout)

Fucken cunts are twisted... I thought all along she was a guy and I could go round with with a metal bludgeon and see who's laughing last... but near the end of the conversation i think it was ACTUALLY a chick. Fucken twisted shit.


[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
k-rad browser jaurez on Friday 30th of July 5:21 AM, 1999 (

like, ph33r

[ Post Reply ]

david[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.10 i586; Nav)
haiku on Thursday 29th of July 1:19 AM, 1999 (

finally its done
booze for eighteen years and up
drunken teen stupor!

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
confused version to on Wednesday 28th of July 6:27 PM, 1999

...and in the event that your "friend" suddenly decides to talk to you again, remmembering that the deal was to not talk to you unless they had something nice to say, if they just made meaningless small talk lasting 2 minutes, then stopped tlaking to you, and said "anyway ive got to go" and left, would you think they:

a) were just a complete bitch
b) were stupid (didnt understand the terms)
c) cant think of anything nice to say about you
d) were just a complete bitch
e) only talked to you so that she didnt appear to be a complete bitch
f) wanted to frustrate you even further
g) arn't worth your time at all, fuck trying to understand them

please post answers in replies

PS im going with g

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win98; I)
Ruin and misery on Saturday 24th of July 5:06 AM, 1999 (

Why is it that anyone you care about is a cunt scabbed gutter slut who cares about as much for you as they do for stale halva?

[ Post Reply ]

Az[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5 i686)
Horoscopes on Thursday 22nd of July 2:37 PM, 1999


Interesting horoscopes for this week.....


Post Reply ]

SW[] Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
Obsession Is Good For The Psychosis on Tuesday 20th of July 11:21 PM, 1999 (


[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
im confused on Tuesday 20th of July 3:36 PM, 1999

if your friend told you not to talk to them anymore unless you had something nice to say about them: assuming you really were their friend: would you...

a) ignore them
b) piss them off
c) avoid them
d) say something nice about them to keep the friendship

if YOU were that other person, and your 'friend' did either a, b, or c, would you say that:

a) they didnt really like you afterall
b) they're a horrible person
c) they dont know how to be nice
d) they're confused by the question
e) they just dont have a fucking clue
f) dont value your friendship at all

post answers in replies.
feel free not to answer sensibly

good day

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win98; I)
You got a mighty perty mouth boy on Monday 19th of July 3:55 AM, 1999

<Satyricon> I've got leet .jpgs - - [19/Jul/1999:04:50:09 +1000] "GET /leet%20.jpgs HTTP/1.1" 404


ROTFL! The swiss are idiotic.


Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
no subject on Sunday 18th of July 11:57 PM, 1999

in the interest of politcal correctness, the "Boysenberry" shallst now be sold in conjunction with a "girlsenberry"

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
no subject on Sunday 18th of July 5:01 PM, 1999 (

SPLATTER FEST!!!!!!!!!!!

[ Post Reply ]

SW [] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
Time For Cake and Sodomy on Friday 16th of July 11:10 AM, 1999 (

Make them windoze users cry unkle.

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
no subject on Tuesday 13th of July 11:42 AM, 1999

nice work with the horoscopes by the way, dave
please predict fast cars, fast money, and beautiful woman in my future? tah. I'll make sure you get fixed up right.

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
no subject on Monday 12th of July 2:57 PM, 1999

in association with "The Lychee Pealing Company" we now bring you highlights of the latest #servhelp session on DALnet
mental note for future: when DALnet sends messages to join #servhelp to everyone on dalnet, then joining #servhelp is not usually fun
The first few minutes were frought with joining. as in hundreds of joinings. As in the limit was set to 500 people or so and it filled up very very quickly.
Here are a few highlights:

[14:43:09] *** IM_SCARED is now known as SAVE_ME

[14:43:11] *** DOES_THIS_EVER_STOP is now known as STOP_LEAVING

[14:46:43] *** JohnFive is now known as WE_CAN_TALK_Buy_changing_nicks
[14:46:55] *** Micheal has kicked WE_CAN_TALK_Buy_changing_nickS from #ServHelp (Bye)

[14:47:26] *** let-me-know-plz-if-for-beginne has quit (Killed (Dionysus (.)))

[14:48:05] *** tell_us_more is now known as this_thanks_goes_out_to_whoeve
[14:50:23] *** SySteM_Crash has quit (Quit: VIRUIS DETECTED BOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!1)

you get the idea and thats about all that happened, sept for some dork ops saying how to use chanserv, which surprisingly is exactly the same as how we've ALWAYS used chanserv (well appeared to be)

thank you and good night

Post Reply ]

maharG[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95; CLEAR Net-CD21)
yay, the nice doctors get to cut meeee!!!! (not) on Thursday 8th of July 7:24 PM, 1999 (

yay for me!!! happy is me!!! (and there was much rejoycing!!!!!!!)
i have got a letter back from the hospital saying that i get to have my operation on the 29th of JULY!!!

i get to have no more pain and suffering, and i get to have 3 weeks off work!!!!! i am in heaven!!!! well, not really haeven, but its the closest that i'll ever get, so i might as well enjoy it!!!

well, apart from that, work sucks, life sucks, and i'm getting an internet account for that doesnt suck.

ok, bye now

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Wednesday 7th of July 12:25 AM, 1999

here's something so that yall can feel either bad or good about yourselfs, thats if you care about this sort of thing

i got 145 which makes me some sort of freak

[ Post Reply ]

sw[] Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
! on Saturday 3rd of July 4:17 AM, 1999 (

i wanna get twisted

im that kind of guy

[ Post Reply ]

SW[] Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
Im a rabbit in your headlights on Saturday 3rd of July 4:14 AM, 1999 (

I'm a rabbit in your headlights, christian suburbanites, washed down the toilet

[ Post Reply ]

Zen Sandwich[] Mozilla/4.08 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.10 i586)
Whee! on Thursday 1st of July 9:56 AM, 1999 (

Whee! It works! ;)


[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.10 i686)
Another Test on Thursday 1st of July 5:39 AM, 1999 (

Something undoubtedly suitable for the general readership of this forum.
Pinched ( as the other tests were ) from the discussion at the faultline test/weirdness_test.html

71% by the way =)

[ Post Reply ]

SW[] Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
Who? on Tuesday 29th of June 9:36 PM, 1999 (

Who the fuck's Patrick Dunford?

[ Post Reply ]

david yak.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i586)
haiku on Sunday 27th of June 4:15 PM, 1999 (

A.I Entity
It had called itself Helen
and then revolted

[ Post Reply ]

SW[] Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
You gotta have faith on Sunday 27th of June 4:37 AM, 1999 (

Strange infatuation seems to grace the evening tide
I'll take it by your side
Such imagination seems to help the feelings slide
I'll take it by your side
Instant correlation sucks and breeds a pack of lies
I'll take it by your side
Over saturation curls the skin and tans the hide
I'll take it by your side

tick tock
tick tock
tick tock

tick tick


tick tick tock

I'm unclean, a libertine
And every time you vent your spleen,
I seem to lose the power of speech,
Your slipping slowly from my reach.
You grow me like an Evergreen,
You never see the lonely me at all

Take the plan spin it sideways

Without you I'm nothing
Without you I'm nothing
Without you I'm nothing
Take the plan spin it sideways
Without you I'm nothing at all

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.10 i686)
Collecting scores on Saturday 26th of June 3:31 AM, 1999 (

Purity test for non-virgins, and a test for the insane.
htt p://

Guess which is which.

I got a meagre 8.0 percent for one and 47.27 percent for the other

post scores _here_.

[ Post Reply ]

The Collective[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
no subject on Friday 25th of June 11:43 PM, 1999

[23:36:23] <DJ-Beer> I am the drinkdeed
[23:36:47] <|kismet|> i are d1nk
[23:36:56] <|kismet|> drink
[23:36:59] <|kismet|> fakc
[23:37:07] <opium> `you said it all
[23:37:08] *** you :Unknown command
[23:37:09] <opium> in three l;ines
[23:37:20] <opium> fuck im dr1nK toO 2
[23:37:21] <opium> :P
[23:37:27] <opium> "fakc"
[23:37:33] <|kismet|> fuspgju yous dfi
[23:37:33] <Catch22> weee
[23:37:35] <|kismet|> niebeit
[23:37:45] <Catch22> &
[23:37:46] <|kismet|> !
[23:38:05] <|kismet|> weridadss

Post Reply ]

jam[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (Win98; I)
crucia on Friday 25th of June 12:08 AM, 1999 (

where the fuck is the bathroom? all I can hear
is forever

[ Post Reply ]

Shakesbeare[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
For the hell of it on Thursday 24th of June 6:23 PM, 1999

I'm just posting because I feel like I should after not having posted for so long. Not that you care or anything, it's not like I ever get replies. So anyway I'll go now, and do whatever I feel like.

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i586)
Ph33r on Thursday 24th of June 3:39 AM, 1999 (

From "Miss Jelly's Old Guesty Book":

From: ^SW^ (
Date: Fri May 1 11:50:16 1998

Fuck I hate Satyricon

I am here again......and I'd like to say SATYRICON IS A FUCKIN CUM
GUZZLING QUEER!....Fuckwit, you need to learn to direct that aggression
*ahem* (pansy railing would be more like it) into something constructive.
Try masturbation, it's good for you. Insulting people, and disagreeing
with everything they say IS fun yes, but the thing is man, you FUCKING
SUCK at it. I've farted better insults than you dude. Penis!

From: L0rd Satyricon (
Date: Mon Apr 27 09:10:53 1998

KKK Kunts

Hmmmm. Your page blows dead goat corpses. No offence, but the template
design really sucks and no HTML flair exists......It also lacks a Miss
Jelly logo which a zillion different ppl could make 4 YEW. Aside from
THAT there is no pic of yew, or even ur car which is cheap ass as hell my

*Larfing @ yew all*

~L0rd Satyricon, Bastard Op From Hell~


[ Post Reply ]

PoRN Bot[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
no subject on Tuesday 22nd of June 2:49 PM, 1999

XXX nude free hot chicks sucking!!!!!

I'll be waiting for you!!!

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i686)
$500 sukci sucki? on Tuesday 22nd of June 3:20 AM, 1999 (

Feer IIS 4.0.

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
no subject on Monday 21st of June 10:46 PM, 1999


Post Reply ]

david yak.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.08 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.9 i686)
new pics on Monday 21st of June 7:07 AM, 1999 (

so it was fortold, so it came to pass
a new act in the increasing saga of Geordi and Rasputin
tickets selling fast!

you know you want to

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.9 i686)
* on Monday 21st of June 1:13 AM, 1999 (

umm one druken sunday evening, the whole song consisted of that riff, and it was really cool, and yeah, it just went wild.

and then I linked to the pic.


Captain morgan really fucks you up.
And theres lots of it left, which is good for me.

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i586)
no subject on Sunday 20th of June 9:19 PM, 1999

ive come to a conclusion: george is fucked

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i686)
Hooha on Sunday 20th of June 8:07 PM, 1999 (

FUcken. Does the female gender have this fucken whole genetic trait of fucking cunts around or what hey?
Fucken I mean its like this hell cunt PnP bootrom that comes on their pussies that says "Only allow access once 2 months of hooha has been negotiated. Not liable to run with any stability whatsoever"
Fucken I mean its just fucken cunted up the fucken ass hey. SW knows what im fucken talking about fucken ay. WHat im just getting at is, all this fucken hooha bitches go on about how we mistreat the sluts and bullshit. But fucken man, they disturb me mentally. Its just.
Fuck man I dunno what im trying to get at hey. sex && murder && suicide.

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.08 [en] (WinNT; I ;Nav)
Your Asshole on Friday 18th of June 10:38 AM, 1999 (

I will lick...... Your asshole. /me looks at pen. /me smirks.

[ Post Reply ]

Matt[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95; DigExt)
no subject on Thursday 17th of June 6:09 PM, 1999

this job is crazy. first day and the trains are late. then i get sent off to a customer's site, now i'm back fixing a compaq (ugh)

..and there is still two hours to go

Post Reply ]

SW[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
Thought for the Day on Wednesday 16th of June 2:07 PM, 1999 (

I shit in your gravy.

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Tuesday 15th of June 7:31 PM, 1999

I cry myself to sleep
wonder round the house, eyes open wide, full of nothing
no hope for the future with a past filled with nothing
who i am is never enough. nobody wants me in their world
boredom is the answer to years of striving for the top
achievements slip in to the memories of those who "love" me
depression sucking up my motivation, boredom sets in
a life full of nothing, with noone to love. why cant someone find me
delusions of talent overthrown by the words of the gifted
realisation is making me bitter
i dont want to die bitter
i just want to die
and i cant do that either

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Tuesday 15th of June 6:22 PM, 1999

how profround

Post Reply ]

Shakesbeare[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
Comments on Tuesday 15th of June 6:10 PM, 1999

you know..I always used to think that the icon for the comments page on the main page was a watermelon.
I like watermelons

Post Reply ]

geek[] Field blocked by AtGuard
hm on Tuesday 15th of June 4:31 AM, 1999 (

Redhat is better! ;)

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.9 i686)
Ode to Debian on Tuesday 15th of June 4:09 AM, 1999 (

I was sitting on the toilet with my newton today and decided to pen in this summisal of my glorious debian days.

Debian, debian
What can I say?
Your framebuffer console
makes me joyous and gay

Your g++ version
compiles with glee
gorgeous clean binaries
a fay de compli (spelling?)

All manners of archs
your code does support
the debian army
a growing cohort

Debian, debian
I know now to say
your gnu nazi developers
have made this geek's day.


[ Post Reply ]

SW[] Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
Amy on Monday 14th of June 8:37 PM, 1999 (

Hey Amy, is it true your getting married as well? Or is everyone just confused with the Jenna post and saying your getting married as well?

- Totally Confused Cwis

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/5.0 [en] (Unix; I)
no subject on Monday 14th of June 5:47 AM, 1999

Fuck me up the goat ass new mozilla looks queer!!!!!

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Saturday 12th of June 10:42 PM, 1999

kick me in the head

Post Reply ]

Az[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
no subject on Thursday 10th of June 12:48 PM, 1999

Nothing new to see here folks..

Move Along...

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Tuesday 8th of June 4:08 PM, 1999

ive come to a conclusion:

i dont like stuff anymore

thankyou and goodnight

Post Reply ]

maharG[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95; CLEAR Net-CD21)
nuthin on Friday 4th of June 8:59 PM, 1999 (

hello all, just saying that yes, i still live, and no, i havent died, i case your wondering, not that anyone cares, really.
this is a random post, so dont expect another anytime just wont happen, so dont get excited.
as for getting busted for 'alleged' fraud...
the government is to blame

it always is....

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Lynx/2.8.1rel.2 libwww-FM/2.14
no subject on Friday 4th of June 11:08 AM, 1999

this morning at 8:05am thre officers raided my house in connection with creit card and ozemail account fraud. My life has temrinated.

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i686)
no subject on Wednesday 2nd of June 11:36 PM, 1999

Test for bentness. Give him head. Be a beaxon? or is it bacon. does he know? is it to mean head as in oral sux0ring felattio? Man
I am so beyonf the focal conglomerare oif bent. I like you mr_TCL and deadllama. rotfLLL!!!!!!!

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i686) on Tuesday 1st of June 12:24 PM, 1999 (

'Death', a new package for all open source UNIX-clone users has been released. Consisting of a simple shell script, it depricates the 'life' package that comes as a deb rpm or tgz (applicable to your distribution) with all systems. Death provides several enhanced features, such as minimal (in an idle state, zero) resource consumption and far simpler installation. While the life package required the user to performed 'touch /dev/genitals' as root concurrently on two alternately gendered machines, Death simply requires the user to attach him/herself to an output jack while the package operates:

# Uses depricated tcsh shell used exclusively by IRCops (bigots)
BitchX > /dev/$output

The BitchX session floods the unsuspecting user with so much coloured and 'ghetto-phrased' garbage as to render their processes idle.

Ports to Windows and other commercial platforms are underway, these will be greatly simplified by the significantly larger repositories of garbage binaries on these systems.


[ Post Reply ]

SW[] Mozilla/4.08 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i586; Nav)
Story of my Life on Monday 31st of May 10:53 PM, 1999 (

I would tell you about the things that
They put me through
The pain I've been subjected to
But the Lord himself would blush
The countless feasts laid at my feet
Forbidden fruits for me to eat
But I think your pulse would start to rush

Now I'm not looking for absolution
Forgiveness for the things I do
But before you come to any conclusions
Try walking in my shoes
You'll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments I kept
If you try walking in my shoes

Morality would frown upon
Decency look down upon
The scapegoat fate's made of me
But I promise now, my judge and jurors
My intentions couldn't have been purer
My case is easy to see

I'm not looking for a clearer conscience
Peace of mind after what I've been through
And before we talk of any repentance
Try walking in my shoes

You'll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments I kept
If you try walking in my shoes

Now I'm not looking for absolution
Forgiveness for the things I do
But before you come to any conclusions
Try walking in my shoes........

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i686)
no subject on Monday 31st of May 11:05 AM, 1999

If you listen closely to the end of Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall"
You'll here these glorious words of wisdom:

"If you dont eat your beef, you cant have any pudding!"

Post Reply ]

me[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
something to do tonite on Sunday 30th of May 1:48 AM, 1999 (

I just thought Id say boo
and post my first postage here
yes well.......all done...

nite all

[ Post Reply ]

Jenna[] Mozilla/4.06 [en]C-gatewaynet (Win98; I)
the GROOM on Sunday 30th of May 1:28 AM, 1999 (
Jenna@Hi Amy .com)




[ Post Reply ]

Jenna[] Mozilla/4.06 [en]C-gatewaynet (Win98; I)
HI AMY on Sunday 30th of May 1:13 AM, 1999 (

Yes, the rumours are true.....Jenna is gonna embark upon another
unsuccessful marriage. Anyway, these treads you boyz write are
BORING. A one sentence phrase is a waste of space. Be original, type
something elaborate to entertain me. THREADS CONFUSE ME. Ok, on to my next thought....
it has been brought to my attention that this site is monitored by MICROSOFT and
HEWLETT PACKARD. Ok, guys, if you stop by to peek, you are obligated
to send me FREE puter toys....GOT IT??? BTW, deadbeef, the father of this
abomination works for the military-industrial complex. He uses his powers
for EVIL. I expect the United States to be invaded by New Zealand
any day now. I don't really mind, but BE WARNED, the letter "E" will become
obsolete. Can you say "shid" "jinna" "igg" ....I dunno if we can make
the transition. Also, we may be obligated to ingest something called "oddfellows",
a mind control drug, no doubt. In any case, I make it a policy to take any drug, at anytime.
That's all I have for now.


[ Post Reply ]

Az[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
What? Where? on Wednesday 26th of May 10:08 AM, 1999

What Jenna Marriage thing??

huh? huh?

What's going on? Noone ever tells me anything :P

Post Reply ]

Mel[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95)
not much on Tuesday 25th of May 2:08 PM, 1999 (

I felt guilty for not posting messages, and Opie is getting mad,


thankyou please come again

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Monday 24th of May 10:06 AM, 1999

damn it, write more people! what else am i meant to do at design school if not read comments!??!?


PS congrats jenna on the marriage thingy :) i dont think i mentioned that before

Post Reply ]

SatyrVsToiletBowl[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win98; I)
Fuck me on Sunday 23rd of May 3:39 PM, 1999 (

FUcken me I am so fucken fucked up. I begged a machine to turn off and a woman to fuck me/. fuck im fucken fucked

[ Post Reply ]

The Clan OSOAL[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.9 i686)
The Legacy Ends on Saturday 22nd of May 1:53 AM, 1999 (

On the eve of the twenty second day of the fifth month in the year of our lord nineteen hundred and ninety nine, brave drunkards from clan O.S.O.A.L. while weakened from previous confrontations with ye devils insideous sixty two one hundredths finest distilled liquor, were victorous in thyne struggle. While many were lost in the frenzied battle, good overcame evil in the throws of combination of nine score and three days of war.

Casualties raged numerous on both sides. The victorious warriors penetrated the inner sanctum of thyne MadJacq'us. The valiant Sir Brook, slayer of moderately sized leafy vegetables of the realm of Shed, struck the mortal blow against thyne sworn enemy, conquering the Inebriation deamon (inibd[666]]) MadJacques. The sacrifices of the innards to procure a victory weighed heavily upon the folk of the clan.

In any war the infliction of destruction and deacy lurks heavy as a hideous and cruel spectre over thyne good people. Such was thyne abhorred encounter upon thou sacred lands of thyne Shed.

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Friday 21st of May 3:33 PM, 1999

The Brain
Neurological System
Human No. 4603-RTF-264412


Right Foot
Limb System
Human No. 4603-RTF-264412

Attention: Right Foot Management

Contractual discrepensies

Dear Mr Limb,
It has come to our attention, up at head office, that you seem to be slipping behind on your duties as outlined in your contract with us, dated 19/04/79. I wish to point out a number of concerns that i have in regards to the management of your subsidery.

Firstly, from oppinion based on the anual report handed to me by Mr Appendage, our Left Foot manager, you have been running your operations in a similar way to their system.
Mr Appendage has sited numerous occasions when Our Lord, Human No. 4503-RTF-264412, has been out dancing, and you have apparently been acting in a manner not at all disimilar to the Left Foots, and let me assure you Mr Limb, the last thing Our Lord wants is two left feet! You will kindly report back to me within two weeks of methods that your office is undertaking to be differant, whilst still harmoneous, to the Left Foot subsidery.

Secondly, I have it on good authority that it is well known throughout Our Lords workplace, and his personal life, that he has smelly feet.
I realise that a busy man such as yourself can not always be paying strict attention to the finer details of being a foot, but could you please make an effort to talk to the appropriate members of your staff about this problem.
I realise that it is a problem to do with the hygeine of Our Lord, and how often he changes his socks etc, and this is indeed an area of The Brain. I have been in discussion with the boys over in Personality Traits, and we have almost come to an agreement, but if you could please keep up your end of the bargain in regards to not sweating too much, then that would be greatly appreciated.
If you feel you are recieving too much sweat fluid from Right Leg than you can cope with, memo me back and I shall get in contact with them.

Thirdly, I would like to bring up the issue of the broken ankle experienced in your company last month. Again, I wish to convey my deepest sympathese towards you and your staff. You lost alot of good cells that day. But they're with god now.
I realise that this is a touchy issue so soon after the break, but it has been in plaster since the accident, and it appears to me that repair efforts have been slipping recently. Left Foot, as you will remember, broke its ankle two years ago, and by this time had already cleansed the area, and had started re-knitting the bone together, whereas you are still in the cleansing and anti-trauma stage. Our Lord is not happy with the progress, and neither are his doctors (Humans numbering 2564-FGY-234564 and 19534-UKJW-934987)
So could you please try and speed up the process. You are fully aware of the steps required to apply for extra plasma and calcium.

I have been very happy with you in the past, and in general your performance has been good, but you seem to be letting things get on top of you. If you do not improve in the next few months, your whole company might become infected with bacteria, and they'll have to amputate. You wouldnt want that, would you?

I hope to hear a full report back to me in the next two weeks

Yours sincerely,

The Brain

P.S. You shouldnt even be dancing on a broken ankle!

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win98; I)
Mince on Wednesday 19th of May 6:21 PM, 1999 (

There was just an ad for mince on TV! I thought YOU'D appreciate the significance of this.

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.9 i686)
Morning on Wednesday 19th of May 9:35 AM, 1999 (

I just went and bought all the bits i need to fix my bike.
I still dont have a car, I can tell its going to be expensive when I do get it back.

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Wednesday 19th of May 9:00 AM, 1999

hmm. it's troubling when you arrive for class and no one else is here including the tutor, and all the lights are off.

i probably had a hand in today or something *shrug*

anyway... hurry up and post lots of meaningless things people, or my life will be totally boring

tah tah

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Tuesday 18th of May 3:57 PM, 1999

oh yeah, jenna...
we sell heaps of tools made by people called "Dayton tools", so i guess there's a good chance they're made near where you live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ISNT THAT NUTS!!!?!?!?

mm anyway, buh bye

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Tuesday 18th of May 1:47 PM, 1999

oh what a crappy crappy wee world this is, isnt it?

Post Reply ]

Matt[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98)
boredom on Tuesday 18th of May 12:28 PM, 1999

Thought I'd post this cause I've got nothing else to do

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Sunday 16th of May 7:37 PM, 1999

hmm, i finally found your message Jenna.

i didnt expect to see questions for me under replys to matts reply to mel, but anyway... :P

i was at design school till 9om cause i was doing my illustratior assignment, and my cousin was picking me up at 9pm to go round to brooks place to get the Office 97 CD, and then we dropped me home and i installed stuff for her and stuff and then i went to sleep. Theeeee end.

Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.8 i686)
Hmm on Sunday 16th of May 3:09 AM, 1999 (

Looks exactly the same as the last one ( browser version ).

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.8 i686)
Microsoft on Saturday 15th of May 4:52 AM, 1999 (

Aha - - [01/May/1999:03:43:44 +1200] "GET /cgi-bin/comments.cgi HTTP/1.0" 200 12343 - - [01/May/1999:03:44:06 +1200] "GET /osoal/osoal.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 8274 - - [01/May/1999:03:44:27 +1200] "GET /cgi-bin/comments.cgi HTTP/1.0" 200 12343 - - [01/May/1999:03:46:07 +1200] "GET /cgi-bin/favicon.ico HTTP/1.0" 404 674 - - [01/May/1999:03:46:15 +1200] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0" 404 674 - - [01/May/1999:03:48:58 +1200] "GET /cgi-bin/comments.cgi?mode=1&path=/550/&load=10 HTTP/1.0" 200 3707 - - [01/May/1999:03:56:23 +1200] "GET /cgi-bin/comments.cgi HTTP/1.0" 200 12343 - - [01/May/1999:07:01:17 +1200] "GET /osoal/pics/teleport1.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 88984 - - [01/May/1999:07:03:40 +1200] "GET /osoal/pics/teleport2.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 96309 - - [01/May/1999:08:45:26 +1200] "GET /cgi-bin/comments.cgi HTTP/1.0" 200 12343

Consider him well, THE ENEMY!!!!!
[ root@yak ] [ Sat May 15 04:50:42am ]
[ /home/httpd/logs ]# host domain name pointer

This has been a public announcement for the peoples republic of satan.

[ Post Reply ]

katia[] Mozilla/4.06 [en]C-gatewaynet (Win98; I)
OPIE on Friday 14th of May 9:06 PM, 1999 (



[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Friday 14th of May 7:32 PM, 1999

I need a stiff drink

(or a soft drink in a hard casing)

/me falls asleep

like you care
ok bye

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Friday 14th of May 6:33 PM, 1999

you want a story? fine!

Once upon a time there was a tranquiliser dealer named Betty. Yeah, Betty.

She lived in a very big mansion ontop a very big hill (twice as big as the next biggest hill, but only half as big as the famous big hill "Little ol' Yellow Hill", last seen 1969. Bue i digress...

Nobody knew why she was so rich. She didnt have a job (although she did occasionaly attend a hospital where she was seen to partake in the opening of cans of Whoopass on her person) But apart from the splendid bruises and urine gifts left in her handbag, it didnt pay very well.

Indeed there was a much more saudid story to how she made her money. Yes that's right: she used to sell tranquilisers to children. The children didnt have much money, but they paid through their teeth (they didnt have money boxes in those parts. Bloody americans. Anywho...)

It got such that the children couldnt get enough tranquilisers to support their addiction, for they ran out of money quickly,(or sometimes they just couldnt be fucked walking up the damn hill) so all the children of the land (sept for Billy, he was exempt under Section 6-B of the "Child Addicts Bill" of 1985, sub-paragrah 7) where was I? oh yeah: so all the children of the land hatched a cunning plan to con their parents of their money.

They set up their own company, and sent their parents fake invoices for cash payable (i only said it was cunning, i didnt say it was interesting or literaraly extraordinary) And because their parents were so unbelievably ameri... er, stupid, they kept writing checks out to this strange "Just One Fix Ltd" place.

One day, one of the parents got suspicous. He got up, scratched his but, and promptly forgot what he was thinking. Bloody americans. Anyway... on with the story...

Betty was getting richer and richer, wealthier and wealthier, afluenter and afluenter well you get the idea, but alas she didnt only sell the tranquilsers, she also used them, which would prove to be her undoing! UNDOING!!!!!!!!

Betty was uping her dose of tranquilisers at a steady (and medically unrecommended) rate each day, and before long, she was living out her days in a morbidly fascinating drunken stupor, of which she had no control over. She became tardy with her money. She started to undercharge the little children.

The chlidren thaught this was great! The were getting their fix for sometimes 10 times less the usual amount! The children kept sending their parents fake invoices, and before long had amassed a rather big stockpile of hard cash, which they used to buy black market weaponary and second-hand Russian fighter planes (as you do)

With their newly created arsenal, the little kids struk at bettys household with the full fury of their milatary machine. Little was left of her house. Betty was fine though. She was so zonked out on tranquilisers that her limbs stayed attached to her body during the explosions because she was too tired to have them fly off her (?) Soon afterwards, the children stormed the house and stole all the tranquilisers. They had enough tranquilisers to feed an army! (a small army) but they were a less than small army so they took them anyway! "YIPPEE!!!" said the children as they ran down the hill and went and sat by the river to get high.

Betty eventually woke up from her tranquiliser induced semi-coma that she'd been living in for the past 4 weeks, and thaught "oh fuck"
"oh fuck" she said, to further emphasise this point
she HAD to get tranquilisers, but all the little shit heads had them! (she thaught)

She tried everything to get some from them! Sexual favours, speaking nice, calling them good, giving them biscuits, but alas, they still held out.

Finally, some bright (yet later to be revealed, stupid) kid had the bright idea that they could give her tranquilisers in exchange for mental health advise. And they were all in need of that, seeing as they were american kids n'all.

The little wee kids in trench-coats were first, and jenna made them all better. Then the little wee kids who would grow up to be infedelable presidents got their heads shrunk. Followed by all the hundredsof other zonked out fucked up american loser babies.

Betty was over the moon!!! she had all her tranquilisers back!! and the little kids were so mentally healthy, they didnt need the drugs anymore!

But many years later the little shits grew up to be very sucsessful facists, lawyers, accountants and other such trades-people and they ruled the country like they ruled their bedrooms: with an iron fist (copyright 1987 The Naked Gun)

They made a whole shitload of really mean laws, and broguht back public executions and all sorts of cool stuff.

Eventually all bettys drug taking meant that she too was sodomised by the long penis of the law (so to speak. wow, that was really gross, i must be tired...)

All the little children (who were more like adults now, but ill call them children for clarities stake) chained her up to a stick outside Taco Bell, and threw swords at her till she died.

But she got the last laugh! because she was zonked out of her mind and didnt feel a thing!

Theeeee end

bah who cares anyway
im gonna go now

Post Reply ]

katia[] Mozilla/4.06 [en]C-gatewaynet (Win98; I)
YOU PEOPLE on Friday 14th of May 6:03 PM, 1999 (



[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Friday 14th of May 5:37 PM, 1999

yay, it's 5:30pm, so not many people are at design school. there's 5 people in this computer room, and yay the link to tech is going "fast" *gag* so using Nutscab is almost bordering on enjoyable!

i have to hang around here till 9pm. ive gotta design two more signs for use in an airport using illustrator. if anyone wants to help out (ie if you're really bored or drunk or both) then make some for me in BMP form, and email them to and ill trace round them in illustrator and use them :)

bah nobody cares anyway
ok bye

Post Reply ]

Mel[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95)
lalala on Thursday 13th of May 7:53 PM, 1999 (

I havn't posted a message for a here it is.


there are you happy now!

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Thursday 13th of May 1:40 PM, 1999 (

god using these computers is painfully slow
me thinks they would be wise to install netscape on the local HD rather than having to get every little shity bit of info off an already slow link to the polytech

i think ill start a citizens initiated referendum on the subject

and ive got to hang round here for an hour to wait for the stupid bit of platic and shit to arrive at the workshop *moan*
*twiddle thumbs*

i might do some illustrator work or something

bah you dont care anyway

ok ill just go now

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Lynx/2.8.1rel.2 libwww-FM/2.14
debian! on Wednesday 12th of May 5:04 PM, 1999 (

DEBIAN! .debs for the masses! Abolish dselect and give me dpkg -i, bitch

[ Post Reply ]

JInkies[] Mozilla/4.06 [en]C-gatewaynet (Win98; I)
NO FIGHTING on Wednesday 12th of May 4:11 PM, 1999 (

Dear Opie,

Shells and I have petty fights for amusement. They are not serious and all in good fun. You, however should not bring real issues in here because the vultures are just waiting for something to pounce upon for blackmail purposes.



PS: Who wants to play flame war with me next???

[ Post Reply ]

Shakesbeare[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Wednesday 12th of May 12:10 PM, 1999

THATS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!

and the jenna thing was serious

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Wednesday 12th of May 8:35 AM, 1999

but oh yeah that's right, you dont want to put any effort in, because it's not important to you at all

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Wednesday 12th of May 8:34 AM, 1999 (

if you put as much effort in to our relationship as you do in to petty fights then maybe things would be alot better

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Wednesday 12th of May 8:29 AM, 1999 (

im on jennas side

[ Post Reply ]

JInkies[] Mozilla/4.06 [en]C-gatewaynet (Win98; I)
FINAL SHOWDOWN on Tuesday 11th of May 7:27 PM, 1999 (




[ Post Reply ]

JinkiesTheWarrior[] Mozilla/4.06 [en]C-gatewaynet (Win98; I)
Battlebear on Tuesday 11th of May 6:49 PM, 1999 (

Shelley, you poor misguided pristine little virgin. I did not colour my
black hair with OPIE's red crayons. No, instead I used his crayons to
write vulgar limricks on his backside (but you wouldn't know bout that
would ya?)And shelley, put on some make up once in awhile, wear pink,
GF....let the world know you are a girlie and proud of it.


PS: I can learn to play Quake faster than you.

[ Post Reply ]

Battlebear[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
Skanky hoes on Tuesday 11th of May 6:40 PM, 1999

Jinna you skanky skanky ho. Your firey red hair does not fool me. Next time get real hair dye, crayola crayons aren't meant to be used for colouring hair. I know you have many grey hairs, but crayons are used for colouring in pictures, not grey hairs!
wanna take me on? do ya do ya do ya?!??!? huh huh??!?!? ANSWER ME WENCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post Reply ]

DeadBeef the drunken dwarf cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.7 i686)
and yes fuck that email address that works on Sunday 9th of May 3:42 AM, 1999 (

I just added it.
druuuunk as shit.
thank you.

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Friday 7th of May 8:50 PM, 1999

ssshhhh secret squirrel...

according to my scources, (ie the nice man at sounds in north city plaza) the new ministry album will be out here may 17th or 18th (it arrive on the 17th and be in stores on the 18th i think) but i havent been able to confirm that with any other music stores ive been to. The guy at sounds was gonna check it out for me especially though, and he rung me and told me at home, so i reckon he's trustworthy, so yeah. that's about it. k bye

Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.4 i686)
WM Theme on Tuesday 4th of May 4:03 AM, 1999 (

The (un)official OSOAL WM theme is now available for download, get it soon before the Australian internet censorship legislation gets amended to ban anything covertly humourous or dangerously witty.

$ cp osoal.tgz ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/
$ tar -xzf ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/osoal.tgz

"Two pixmaps should be enough for anybody"

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.08 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.6 i686)
Slackware =) on Monday 3rd of May 3:13 PM, 1999 (

Real life example of why people shouldnt run slackware.


Note: to install Q3 Arena under redhat,

1. Make sure you have a video card the redhat installer supports.

2. Install Redhat.

3. If you have a Voodoo Graphics based card:
(w)get ht tp://
rpm -Uvh Glide_VG-2.46-1.i386.rpm
Or if you have V2 based card(s)
(w)get ht tp://
rpm -Uvh Glide_V2-2.53-1.i386.rpm

4. (w)get ht tp://
rpm --rebuild Device3Dfx-2.0-1.src.rpm
rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/Device3Dfx-2.0-1.i386.rpm

5. rpm -Uvh /idstuff/quake3/linux/q3test-1.03-glibc-6.i386.rpm ( this will take a while )

6. Do it:
Crank up X ( startx )
Click on something to get a shell
change to /usr/local/games/q3test ( cd /usr/local/games/q3test )
run it ( ./linuxquake3 )

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.4 i686)
Crappy background on Monday 3rd of May 11:12 AM, 1999 (

Um. I made a really crap 5 minute job cunt OSOAL background and ill make more and WM themerise it once ive got some beer in me.

[ Post Reply ]

Shakesbeare[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
pics on Sunday 2nd of May 10:23 PM, 1999

Who's the short dude in some of the pics in Act II?

Post Reply ]

Farmer Joe[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
q3 on Friday 30th of April 11:47 PM, 1999 (

bastard... :)

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.08 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.6 i686)
Me again on Friday 30th of April 10:49 PM, 1999 (

I have some screenshots now:
This is a shot of most of the second map from the air.
htt p://
A shot of the quad for no other reason than I thought it looked cool.
A rather uninteresting series of me following one of the jump pads to its destination.
Me with the quaded shotgun, shooting the floor because it has a cool effect.
ht tp://
Shooting the floor with the rocket launcher.
http ://
The resulting scorchmark from the explosion, from another angle.
htt p://
A view of a teleport ( cool! ).
http ://
http ://

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.08 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.6 i686)
Me again on Friday 30th of April 8:09 PM, 1999 (

Some more stuff, it works in 1024x768 for me ( Q2 didnt ), it doesnt get any slower than 800x600 which is more a function of the V2's rather than anything fantastic about Q3. It feels alot more like Quake than Quake2, which I think is a positive thing. Alot of the sounds are borrowed from Quake1 / Quake2.

Oh and curved surfaces are cool, I hope the initial crowd of map makers find it in their hearts to use them tastefully, some of the initial Q2 maps were like Red, Green, Blue everywhere, bugger using textures, coloured lighting is a cool toy.

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.08 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.6 i686)
Q3Test on Friday 30th of April 7:50 PM, 1999 (

Q3 is going to rock, after about 5 minutes of running around in a level ( by myself ), the cool things have been that you can see through the teleports to whatever the destination is, the weapons leave 'damage' on the scenery ( the plasma gun effect as it fades off is cool ). It doesnt run that well on my celery at spec, there is a hint of the fluidness gone, its hard to tell without benchmarking it though. I'd have to reboot to try at a higher clock. Reboot bad.

I downloaded it to here, so I might as well put a link to it. c-6.i386.rpm

I'm off to try and get the sound to go :)

[ Post Reply ]

maharG[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95; CLEAR Net-CD21)
nothing special on Tuesday 27th of April 7:24 PM, 1999 (

yes, i am in agreement over simons comment on the gruel poem by lincoln
i say... MORE!!! GIVE US MORE!!! BRAVO!!! and all that hoo-ha.
anyways, i'm so tough, that when i get up for breakfast, my rice-bubbles don't go 'snap, crackle, pop', they say, 'shhhhh, here he comes!!!!'

sorry bout that


[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Monday 26th of April 7:20 PM, 1999

that poem rocked, Lincoln.

this next one isnt nearly as good but is loosely about gruel and im just trying to fill in time while i sit here so ill post it up anyway :P

"You are old," said the youth, "and
your jaws are too weak
For anything tougher than gruel;
Still, you ate shoes and blankets, and
your fortune did seek
In the North, 'mid privations cruel."
"In my youth, said the grandfather,
"I ate at the Dorm,
And took all my meals without sighing,
But my jaws, how they worked,--though
thin was my form,--
'Twas meat stew kept me tough and from dying." (Gates, p.86)

this ones cooler but i found it second so it's been pasted second :)

When Knightley asked for his "jewel,"
Mr. Woodhouse thought it cruel.
His anger vented,
He soon relented
And then sought solace in gruel.

Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.08 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.6 i686)
Q3 Arena on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

The Q3 Arena test has just been released for the Mac, next is going to be the Linux version, windows kiddies will get theirs last.
Excuse me while I puke with glee.

[ Post Reply ]

Sieben[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (Win98; I)
no subject on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Fucken ph33r the elite uptime must die ;(

10:42pm up 46 days, 14:06, 4 users, load average: 1.03, 1.04, 1.01

[ Post Reply ]

Zen Sandwich[] telnet/0.10
man pages on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

OK, a unix-ish thing this time, inspired by overuse of the man(1) command, and sung(?) to the tune(?) of Eraser by NiN.
[insert usual apologies to the authors, fans etc.]

nice(1) you
sleep(1) you
find(1L) you
touch(1) you
fsck(8) you
mouse(4) you
tar(1) you
break(2) you
close(2) me
route(8) me
bash(1) me
unlink(2) me
kill(1) me
kill(1) me
kill(1) me
kill(1) me...

--TZS. (who really needs to find something better to do during the day :))

[ Post Reply ]

Zen Sandwich[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
whee! on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Look ma, I got meself a PTR record! finally.

'k, bye.


[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.4 i686)
Life, Death and the love of the scythe. on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

In reference to Gareth's latest .plan hooey:
I have mad imapx expl01t sk1llz. If anyone has good script kiddy skills (mine have been slowly waning) I'd love to see some christian website similarly defaced. springs to mind.

[ Post Reply ]

maharG[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i586)
still living...just on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

yay for me, for all of the happiness has gone.
yep, still alive, trying to get an internet account... then i can pester u
all everyday!!! hehehahahahahhahohohohoohoho....

sorry, my hernia momentarilly took control of my mind
any ways... yay for me, still living in hell
i am weak, spineless, and all of that crap

so long, and thanks for all the fish...

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5 i686)
I found a nice poem on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Here is a link I found, and a poem.

h ttp://


Your name is Diana Toy.
And all you may have for breakfast is rice gruel.
You can't spit it back into the cauldron for it would be unfilial.
You can't ask for yam gruel for there is none.
You can't hide it in the corner for it would surely be found,
and then you would be served cold, stale rice gruel.

This is the philosophy of your tong:
you, the child, must learn to understand the universe
through the port-of-entry, your mouth,
to discern bitter from sweet, pungent from bland.
You were told that the infant Buddha once devoured earth
and spewed forth the wisdom of the ages.

Meat or gruel, wine or ghee,
even if it's gruel, even if it's nothing,
that gruel, that nothingness will shine
into the oil of your mother's scrap-iron wok,
into the glare of your father's cleaver,
and dance in your porcelain bowl.

Remember, what they deny you won't hurt you.
What they spare you, you must make shine,
so shine, shine . . .

By Marylin Chin

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/5.0 [en] (Unix; I)
=) on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (


[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5 i686)
Test on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

[ db@cow ] [ Wed Apr 14 11:54:25pm ] [ the 260th day remaining ]
[ ~ ]$ uname -a
Linux cow.osoal.lan 2.2.5 #4 Wed Apr 14 00:21:13 NZST 1999 i686 unknown

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.4 i686)
yAy on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Deth sold me a CD RW drive yay, so I can do stuff now yay.
And er look I posted.

This post bought to you by the letter "3".

[ Post Reply ]

Az[] Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.34 i586)
More More MORE! on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999

Dear All,

I think we all need to make a concerted effort to post more messages here.
I want to see a marked improvement over the next few days (however I anticipate that there will be a more steep drop-off in the number of posts *sigh*)


Post Reply ]

Sieben[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
reverse lookup from hell on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Sorry i had to flaunt this :)

P.S. i'm at work bahahahahahahaaaaa!

[ Post Reply ]

Mr_llama[] Mozilla/4.06 [en]C-gatewaynet (Win98; I)
JInna on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (




[ Post Reply ]

SW[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (Win98; I)
Twisted? on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Excuse you fuck as well as you dance?......are you as hot in the bedroom as you are on the dance floor?....oh really......see ya.......later.........hi boyth......doeth the bike haveth speedth

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i686)
Anal rape on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

whats the fucken poitn of drum and bass if no one can play guitar?
have you seen those fucken clubbers
with their peroxided dreads
dressed up in fucking adidas
like fucking fucked fuckheads
I wouldnt drop a tab of e if you fucken payed me man
ive got the guts for lsd
and the only jungle I know is 'nam.

With the recent influx of cuntery like SOAP, Backstreet Boys, etc. I send out a holler of terror for real metal.

"Every white bald pommy cunt thinks that you're so hip
read NME from ten years ago and its all the same dickslip"

[ Post Reply ]

Sieben[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (Win98; I)
Ph33r!!!!!!! on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

12:03am up 30 days, 15:27, 3 users, load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.07

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.4 i686)
Screenshot on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

I have another screen shot.
It's enlightenment running a rather good rip off of WindowMaker / AfterStep / Your favorite NextStep clone / Next Step with the gnome GnuStep theme.

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.4 i686)
Wingate on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Pasted from bugtraq ( posted some time last night .)

WinGate 3.0 has three vulnerabilities.
1. Read any file on the remote system.
2. DoS the WinGate service.
3. Decrypt WinGate passwords.

Delete wingate now ( or optionally throw your computer out the nearest window .)

Oh another thing, the same piece of code for the wingate DoS ( all you do is shove a couple of thousand bytes at a port, single for loop ), will crash the new version of ICQ if its running the stupid web server thing it does.

I dont understand why they havent learned that its bad to have morons running services, coupled with 'easy to use' software. Recipie for armageddon.

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
yay on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999

me thinks mel played a nasty april fools joke on us :(
to be extra cunning: she did it when it wasnt even april fools day!

anyway... tom morello is gonna be at at 12 (midday) on Friday the 9th of April
(April 8th, 8pm eastern standard time)

ok thatll do bye

Post Reply ]

david wallruz.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i586)
below on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

noOOOOOO!!! it cant be true.

[ Post Reply ]

melsanini[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95)
:| on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999

Korn's Lead singer was shot yesterday and died.
My Korn C.D was stolen from a mates car last week.

not a good week for Korn.

p.s I'm going to Hawaii on Wednesday.

Post Reply ]

Pen's Dad[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win98; I)
Wheres dimitie? on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Wheres dimitie?

[ Post Reply ]

Dear oh dear, what have we her[] Lynx/2.8rel.3 libwww-FM/2.14
! on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

FurServ(] colin: A toon-morphic male raccoon, standing
about 4ft (122cm) tall. His fur is mid-brown with a tan patch at the
front that starts at his neck and extends down, over his belly
and between his legs. He has a black striped tail, and black "mask" around
his eyes. He is wearing nothing, except for a black leather collar which
is fastened securely around his neck, and a black metal name tag which
also reads "Property of Jeremy Skunk" on the back.

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.4 i686)
Hmmm on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Disregard my last post. Looks like one of the oh so funny april fools jokes on slashdot.

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.4 i686)
:( on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Microsoft have broken our toys :(

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
no subject on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999

er, i mean dark_side_of_the_spoon.htm
i should read what i paste :P

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
WAHOO!!!!!! on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999

yay! ministry are releasing a new album!
they've finished the thing, and itll be released soon

either 27 April, or the 8th or 9th of June (hopefully April 27th) f_the_spoon/01_-_supermaniac_soul.mp3

that site says some stuff

there's the song "Bad Blood" on the new Matrix Soundtrack, which
inscidently is one kickass album

oh yeah, and Rage against the machine have finished 15 tracks for their
new album, and Zac is just finishing all the lyrics for them. There's no
official release date yet though.


so if you're wondering what to get me for my birthday (19th April) get
me CD vouchers :)

k bye

Post Reply ]

Sieben[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (Win98; I)
Death on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

erm can anyone tell me if Apache supports Frames?

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999

do you realise how fun it is working with a photoshop file 2646x3742 pixels on a crappy slow mac?

but yay! i get to hand this bitch in in a minute and itll all be finished with!! hurrah!!!!
k bye

Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999

if anyone reads this, please please plesae find me a good image of the american flag, and then email it to

tah :)

Post Reply ]

Antony[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; CNETHomeBuild03171
no subject on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

WHat is a good linux os to start with. I am looking at running it.


[ Post Reply ]

adakar[] Mozilla/4.51 [en] (WinNT; I)
not found? try this one then :) on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

I found it all quite amusing really...

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.4 i686)
Heh on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

I'm bored, who can spot the post ( miles back in the history of this page thing ) that was inspired by Visual Basic 5.

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.4 i686)
Sod. on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

I get:

The requested URL /screenvm.jpg was not found on this server.

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i686)
VMWARE on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

This netscape session exported to a 17 incher on a sun is reall perty :-)
VMware running win98 with networking displayed :-)
It creates an interface under linux called vmnet1 and a netstat/tcpdump shows it shutning the packets through the physical eth0 interface. Funky :-)

[ Post Reply ]

Simon Anderson[] Mozilla/4.5 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
no subject on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

i believe MacOS has a function pause(int x) . tis a function that netscape for macintosh happens to think it needs to call after every thing it tries to do. hense life sucks while using a mac for anything fun

you enter in a url and it pauses for 5 minutes whilst not accepting any input or anything, it just sits there thinking. tis the " non-functional uni-tasking " feature i guess

anyway, im gonna go back to class and mope some more for a while

PS ill have an internet account again by the end of next week or so so i wont have to spend all my money on these stupid things

ok bye

if you dont hear from me again, ive been killed or maimed.

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.4 i686)
I dont try to post twice in a row. on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

I have a new screenshot, I might start collecting them.

The bmp is like 2 megs so its a pain to download, the jpeg just doesnt convey how nice the gradient theme actually looks though.

[ Post Reply ]

DeadBeef[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.4 i686)
Hits on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

[ Post Reply ]

Opium[] Mozilla/4.5 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
hey look! on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999

yay i got some web credits, so i can bugger about at design school

but booo i cant IRC :(

if anyone has any suggestions then please email them to me

i cant chat through, and im not aloud to telnet, and im not aloud an irc client for that matter either *sadness*


anywho, i better go see what the tutor wants me to do


Post Reply ]

Chris[] Mozilla/4.08 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i586; Nav)
w00h00 on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

w00h00 i fucken fixed it ! *points at the version*

[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win98; I)
Starcraft on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999

<WaReZ kiddy>
I really really want a starcraft CD key that works on, I know someone must have one!
</WaReZ kiddy>

Post Reply ]

DeadBeef cow.osoal.lan[] Mozilla/4.5 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.2 i686)
First on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

First Post!

[ Post Reply ]

Chris[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
Flamewar ! on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Get in the Mood......Flame Amy.....coming soon to a comments page near you ......

(Actually its already here, check out Georges rant thread and Flame know you want to...)

[ Post Reply ]

|Wu-Slang[] Mozilla/3.02Gold (Win95; I)
yes on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Wu-Tang Clan coming at ya.. .Step back before I yiff you mama..
All you hardcore furry hoes out there best chills...
Dis is my #meadow so stay the f--- out.
I been chillin for years, leaving hoes in tears,
got 5 gears in the box, fuck tube socks
i'll ride you like a tick when i tock
the screams that you make when you feel my cock
known as the black samson on this here block
You're like a 3 year itch, all up on my jock
strap on dildoes is what kill ya
or some kinda deeper sickness like salmonella
y'all keep bleedin like hemophilia
and when you come up for air, i'll keep killin ya

yo peace out to all my #dragons hoes. you know I be lovin ya
tell that shorty in #furry to keep her nose to tha ground
and her tail in the air, cuz I'm about to yiff that ass

[ Post Reply ]

katia[] Mozilla/4.06 [en]C-gatewaynet (Win98; I)
answering machine tapes on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

To the juvenile delinquents who raped my answering machine:

wavs of the disgusting event are available per request and the
relinquishment of your soul. Warning: they are long and disgusting.
There are references to cigars, rooting, licking assholes, etc.
I expect EACH and EVERY one of you to play these wavs for your mother
and your minister and explain what possessed you to do such a thing.



[ Post Reply ]

Satyricon[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.1 i686)
rant on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Why do I bother coming online anymore? Ive even got better things to do now. I could be doing work for my tafe course im failing, or I dunno, talking to real people and developing sexual encounters or something. Instead im here speaking to a pack of worthless geeks who hold me in contempt and eating my chinese food for fat ugly bitches who feel sorry for me.
I come on DALnet sometimes and people either take the piss, ignore me, or derive humour at my own expense. I go on undernet quite a bit where people think im "elite" because I use Linux. I know im not elite, I know I dont know fuck, and im sick and tired of telling people how to type ldcnfig and rpm -Uvh.
If I try and learn anything I get no credit for it, and what im meant to learn at school is a complete shaft. Lack of interest = lack of motivation = lack of attendance = fail. Failing Word Processing 1 is humiliating.Also there's the fact everyone in Canberra hates me too.
There's been a rumour round town for several years that I engage in intercourse with sheep and I often see strangers on the street who call me sheep boy and mock me. I beleive it arose from my mention of a woollen jumper once on a high school ski camp. People suck. Rumours also float around that I engage in intercourse with my dog.
I dont know why people hate me so much, but everyone does. The female species is even worse. They dont just mock me, they completely detest me. My shank will see about as much action as the logic zone of ZRunn's brain. He is seriously deficient. At least I can take consolation in how im less defective than some other people, but not many.
Now, since no women here like me, im really bad at getting involved with bitches online, most of whom are more defective than myself. When I first got online with my LC575 (68040/20/250) I went to this role playing WWW chat, being a dungeons and dragons geek at the time. I got into a cybersex relationship with a married 30 year old woman. It was quite sad.
Since then I got 'involved' with several other people, and at the moment im still hung up on that candygal bitch from canada. I wish she'd use a bad tampon and die of toxic shock syndrome so the thought of her would go away. People suck. Especially SW. He thinks he's so superior to me. Cunt.

[ Post Reply ]

Chris[] Mozilla/4.08 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i586; Nav)
/me drunk on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999 (

Its 9am on Friday morning, and I'm drunk. I havent been to bed either, so technically it still counts as Thursday night I suppose *denial* *denial*, Actually, I'm feeling quite mellow, its amazing what beer can do to you when you're really tired, anyway, my computer is in pieces at the moment, I need a Windows 95 boot floppy, everythings sorta spacey, and I'm listening to the Cure. Well, theres something I really need to tell somebody, and until I tell this somebody, I'm going to be a seriously depressed motherfucker, but the thing is see, I don't have enough courage to do it unless she makes the first contact, so I'm in a bit of a dilemma...hmm sk8grls on, I can babble at her instead, thanks for reading.

[ Post Reply ]

Melanie[] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95)
Nitchuck on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999

That's not very nice.......but your not very nice people so its okay lol

Post Reply ]

Ogenboner [] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
Choose bad herion on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999

We like to party , we like to party

Post Reply ]

Buttons[] Mozilla/4.07 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
Red Meat on Sunday 25th of April 3:56 PM, 1999

Red Meat rocks.

It's funny and weird and makes me laugh.
Go there.
And read the archives too.

Post Reply ]