Six and One
Act II, Scene I
Curtains draw on a deep underground dungeonesque dwelling

Geordi : The plot thickens.
Rasputin : And how!
Geordi and Rasputin travel back in time to fight alien beings from another dimension

chorus : Hurray!
Geordi and Rasputin trek for 40 days and 40 nights
Geordi : You gotta lose that zeero and get yourself a heero.
Act II, Scene II
Curtains draw on a state of being not happiness nor defeat yet somewhere inbetween
Rasputin : And now we're even, my friend.
Geordi : I'll drink to that

choir girls sing the blues in an enormous paper bag
Act II, Scene III
No Neck Joe : Human life, it is, so frail! like lEAVES, on A tree!, like spider webs, forgotten dreams, in, the mists, of time, like sands through the hour glass... am i getting paid for this?
commotion, loud thud
Geordi (to Rasputin): You take his head, I'll get his feet.
Act II, Scene IV
Curtains draw on something
Rasputin : When the seas are stormy, the fishermen stay home and fix their nets.
Geordi : I am stuck to the wall.
Lightning strikes
Geordi : Ow, mein lieben.
Rasputin : I'll have what she's having!
Act II, Scene V
Trans-dimensional aliens terrorise major towns and cities.
Geordi : Are we there yet?
Rasputin : Each day at a time.

Geordi : Finished that joint yet?
Rasputin : Ah yeah, we'll get you fixed up right here.
extra dives infront of geordi, taking a bullet in the chest
Geordi : While you twist, you do not turn.
Rasputin : Shut up white boy.

Curtains close and stuff