The Vengeful Toad
Act III, Scene I
Curtains draw on a magnadoodle(tm)

Geordi : Yep, you can get yourself fixed up right over here...
Rasputin : HOOTERS!!!
Geordi and Rasputin play madman's backgammon (compulsively)

chorus : HOOTERS!!!
christians light candles to save Geordi's and Rasputin's souls
Geordi : Where the fuck did they come from?
Rasputin : Why the fuck do you care you fuck!? (copyright Ricki Lake (1998))
Act III, Scene II
Introducing The Legions of Zarathustra: Shoot to kill!!
Introducing The Watties Reps: Can your anger. CAN!!!!!!
Watties Rep: FouR!?
Rasputin: FOur?!@
A Miscelaneous Unintroduced Character: fouR!!!??%^?
The Accumulated Mana brought about by the Un-announced unification of the Sub-Comitties of the Conglomeration of the Legions associated with the Legions of the Zarathustra: 4?
Someone else: wha?
Geordi: I wish we could put Twist on the fuckin' play! >:(
Carlton: Silly spider. Tricks are for kids! :(
Dolby surround sound encompasses the unfortunate in dribbles of "twaAAA" and "woopAHHH!!!!!!!!" (ass)
Rasputin's Facial Hair: Sod. I cant speak. The only non speaking part and I have to have it. Fuck you all. FUck you all to hell.
Geordi : I'll drink to that

sleeping un-necessarily; Geordi wakes up and smells the homosexual
Act III, Scene III
No Spleen Jean: Ow for i have no spleen. And so it was... written and... so...i.t...was...done...
Aside:Something big but green falls over

Jar Jar Binks:Meesa weesa teesa blees....
Rasputin: DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rasputin parries thrusts and jabs his way into the intimate orrficaes of Jar Jar Binks soul!!!!!!!!!!! HIS SOUL!!!!!!!!
* Jar Jar Binks dies.

Act III, Scene II plus III minus I
The exit lights flash intimitantly whilst the "no smoking" signs spark flourescent shades of green, blue, and not to mention green. Oh i did. ok bye
Rasputin : SCREW THE STARVING!!!!!!
Geordi : You wouldnt be saying that if your hand was tied to that big thing over there
That thing over there:Yellow ribbon yellow ribbon yellow ribbon
Rasputin: .__ .... . _. _ .... . ... . ._ ... ._ . ... _ ___ ._. __ _.__ _ .... . .._. .. ... .... . ._. __ . _. ... _ ._ _.__ .... ___ __ . ._ _. _.. .._. .. _.._ _ .... . .. ._. _. . _ ...
The Accumulated Mana brought about by the Un-announced unification of the Sub-Comitties of the Conglomeration of the Legions associated with the Legions of the Zarathustra departs in a fit of anxiety
Geordi: Oh the angst of it all
Rasputin: How goth of you.
Geordi and Rasputin have an in-depth (and not all that un-pleasant) conversationm on death and the afterlife

That guy from the love boat (the doctor) says something like "HeLLo thERE!!!!!" and quietly departs

Geordi : Do you want the other one here?
Rasputin : What's that?
Geordi : YES!!!!
Rasputin : I dont want your freedom
Geordi : What's that?
Rasputin : :(
Geordi: :(
The Watties Rep: That puts an end to that then.
Exits The Watties Rep in a puff of Prozac
Act III, Scene V
You see a rock and a ledge...
Geordi : Knit one pearl one
Rasputin : We'll have none of that round here
Geordi knits the Eiffel Tower
Rasputin (whispers to the kumara): He really IS the chosen one!
KuMAra : DonT BE so STUpiD!!!!!i!

Geordi : Finished that joint yet?
Rasputin : *puffing noise* no *puffing noise* no *puffing noise* no wait *puffing noise* nnnnnnow im done.
Geordi : About time!
Rasputin gets the munchies...
Rasputin : oh man ive got the munchies!
...and then eats Geordi
Geordi :Ow!@ Quit it! *death*
extra dives infront of geordi, taking a munching in the chest. They BOTH die. How pointless to mention.
Geordi : *silence*
Rasputin : You're no fun anymore now you're dead *crazed glare*
Big Brother looks over Rasputins shoulder
Rasputin throws a ball at "dead geordi"
Rasputin: I guess it's just you and me.
(character): (line)

Blood stained curtains close,
Rasputin (behind the curtains, singing) : Lipstick on your collar...
A Rasputin appears before the blood stained curtains
Rasputin (still singing!) : ... told a tale on you...
Fade the hell out damnit
*fading noise*