When Monks Attack!
Act IV, Scene I
Geordi and Rasputin find themselves in the seedy underbelly of the
big city, the muted sounds of gun fire and police sirens echo
hauntingly in the distance.

Geordi: Tickets please
Rasputin: Ah ha! Wheres your precious god now?
Children: HE'S BEHIND YOU!

Geordi and Rasputin climb a hill, Ghost has new mail.
Rasputin: I have a beer, maybe thats all I need to be free.
Ghost: wOoOooOo

Rasputin: Antiseptic protects your family
Geordi: It came from africa!

Act IV, Scene II
Geordi and Rasputin walk past a decrepid apartment building.
Background voice 1: hey fuck you bitch!
Background voice 2: kiss my ass you fucker, fucken deal with it you good for nothing white trash gutter bucket.
Geordi: Theres no right and wrong, no black and white, its just all grey
Rasputin: Like a spiritual elephant

Narrator: it came from the dEeP!
it kIlls for pLeAsUrE!!!
come see it if you dArE!!!!
bring a friend!!! dont walk home alonE!
stARing miCkey ROONEy as the heAd!!

Geordi and Rasputin discover a plot element.
Geordi: My favorite!.
Rasputin: It wasnt a real lavender, rather it was a lavender of evil!

Rasputin: If you dont pay the piper, the piper wont play.
Geordi: Your truth is no good.

Geordi: the red lights and blue lights chase me around the room
An old woman offers Geordi $5 sucky sucky, love him long time

Act IV, Scene III
A cyclist rides up to Rasputin, enthusiaticly singing verses from greensleaves, and offers him some "magic" beans.
Rasputin: It can only be a sign.
Geordi: Now theres alot of blood.
Rasputin shows his piece, cyclist glances around nervously and hastily rides off

Rasputin: Stop staring at me.
Geordi: no.

Rasputin: Ive got tone!
Geordi: Fire!
Rasputin: Rock beats scissors!
Geordi: I am actually a robot. Whrrr, clank.

Act IV, Scene IV
Narrator: Hey Kids, What does Wiggly Worm Have to Say?
Wiggly-Worm: The idea that communist ideals support the worker is false, instead
their regimes serve merely to oppress freedom of expression by enforcing
conformity. Even democratic governments, once they have reached a
reasonable size, are incapable of serving the needs of its citizens.
Instead they become controlled by self absorbed bureaucrats and fanatical
special interest groups relying on the apathy of the population rather
than any coherent plan. The one true guarantee of selfness is anarchy.
So remember kids; play nice, or kill your enemies.
Geordi: Wiggly Worm has 'issues'.
Rasputin: Im watching the spiders dance on the ceiling.

Rasputin: He didnt know he was playing, but everyone is playing whether they like it
or not.
Geordi: This reminds me of my childhood.

Act IV, Scene V
Rasputin: The masked man is thinking really fast in
the room on the hill, I can see the girl
tied to the bed. I am a peice of paper of
paper, have you written on me or have i written on you
I can see the glass people, i have ridden the winged
horsed of jabberwockey. I love you so much.
I am the devil, am I you or have I just forgotten.
The lines run in the same direction, the wrong way. no.
put me in the corner, put me in the mirror, I can
eat the mulit coloured pebble
light me up and show me the stains
put me in the shadows, put me in your
soul tree eyes.

Geordi: Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more.


Wiggly Worm: All good matyrs are dead, KILL ME!!! KILL ME!!!
Stage crew rushes on and restrains Wiggly Worm.
Wiggly-Worm: Okay officer, I'll go quietly.

Curtains abruptly snap shut, lights flicker then die.